pangola grass for cattle

CP values are commonly of the order of 9‒14%, and may exceed 20%, and IVDMD 45‒70%. 49(3)–0206–034. The asterisk * indicates that the average value was obtained by an equation. Annual Report Year 2007 (Technical Document No. Sci., 128 (2): 207-215, Denny, R. P. ; Mavedzenge, B. If used as a supplement to low-CP forage or mixed diets based on, e.g., straw, CP concentrations above 15% of DM (see previous section) can be accepted as the greater proportion of non-protein-nitrogen in the CP of intensively fertilized forage can be effectively converted by rumen microbes into microbial amino acids, and finally, microbial protein (review by Leng 1990). Aust. Energy and protein values of four forages, including a comparison between tropical and temperate species. The leaf blades are 5-60 cm long, 2-14 mm wide, glabrous or hairy. J. Agric. It will tolerate light shade and salt spray when planted in coconut groves on beaches. Effect of copra expeller pellet supplementation on the flow of nutrients from the rumen of sheep fed low-quality pangola grass (, Gargano, A. O. ; Adúriz, M. A. ; Arelovich, H. M. ; Amela, M. I., 2001. Valeurs alimentaires de fourrages tropicaux de la zone Caraïbe et de la Réunion. Newbold. J. Agric. In the Philippines and Indonesia, leucaena was widely promoted as a livestock feed. Tikam, K., Phatsara, C., Mikled, C. et al. These stolons can grow to up to 2 or 3 m during a wet season. Téc Pecu Méx 2009, 47: 55-67. Fertilizer calcium as a factor affecting the voluntary intake, digestibility and retention time of pangola grass (, Rees, M. C. ; Minson, D. J., 1978. Palatable, productive, persistent 2. At Parada in North Queensland, Australia, a body weight gain of 2,990 kg/(ha × year) was obtained from grazing irrigated pangola grass fertilized with 672 kg N/(ha × year); (Ebersohn and Lee 1972). Digestion and passage of tropical forages in swamp buffaloes and cattle. The effect of supplements of rumen-degradable protein and formaldehyde-treated casein on the intake of low-nitrogen roughages by, INFIC, 1978. • more humid areas: Floren bluegrass, humidicola, pangola grass, sabi grass, signal grass. Vendramini JMB, Newman YC, Sollenberger LE: Digitgrasses. Ranchers in Central and South Florida have been well served for many years by ‘pangola’ and other cultivars of digit grass. Grassl., 22 (2): 50-56, Alexandre, G. ; Xande, A. ; Despois, P. ; Fleury, J. ; Renard, D, 1989. © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Bogdan AV: Tropical pasture and fodder plants (grasses and legumes). Bangkok: Animal Nutrition Division, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; 2006:315-326. Grass legume associations for meat production of creole goats: Likoni A 15 (, Alfonso, A. ; Valdes, L. R. ; Batista, J, 1985. Available at 1981, No. Stewart J, Liyou O, Wilson G: Bighead in horses – not an ancient disease. Large variations are reported for in vivo total tract digestibility, ranging between 40 and 70%. The leaves are linear-lanceolate to linear, 10 to 25 cm long and 2 to 7 mm wide. Privacy 21-40, Kennedy, P. M., 1995. Very few viable seeds are produced (Cook et al., 2005). Trop. The authors would like to thank all members of Bureau of Animal Nutrition Division, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Thailand for all of their help, advice and information provided for this review. Selecting for nutritive value in, Minson, D. J., 1967. In conclusion, pangola grass is a promising forage and a source of high quality feed for ruminant animals in tropical countries. Regular grazing (2-3 week intervals) at 10-15 cm to 30-40 cm height is necessary to maintain the quality of pangola grass (Cook et al., 2005). Symposium sur l'alimentation des ruminants en milieu tropical. West Lafayette: Purdue University; 1983. In the Caribbean, on pasture receiving more than 400 kg of N fertilizer per hectare, production of 100 kg DM/ha/day have been recorded during the long day season against 50 kg DM/ha/day during the short day season. Dr. Y. Anele is acknowledged for language editing. Volume L. t'Mannetje and Jones, R.M. 'Pangola' has relatively high concentrations of Na in its tissues, compared with many other tropical grasses. Another forage is a tree-like legume called Leucaena. It produces stolons (runners), which root at the nodes. Like all tropical grasses, chemical and nutritive value of pangola grass vary with several factors including age of regrowth, season, fertilizer and genotype. Yields range from about 10 to 20 t/ha and may exceed 30 t/ha under ideal conditions., DOI: Pasture grass is the most natural feed for cattle. Optimal growth conditions are annual precipitations ranging from 700 to 4000 mm, temperatures from 15.9 to 27.8°C and soil pH from 4.30 to 8.50 (Duke 1983), indicating adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions. J. Exp. 4. Proc. Regular grazing (2-3 week intervals) at 10-15 cm to 30-40 cm height is necessary to maintain the quality of pangola grass (Cook et al., 2005). stolonifera Stapf, Digitaria geniculata Stent, Digitaria glauca Stent, Digitaria pentzii Stent, Digitaria pentzii var. Herb 1962, 32: 265-271. Small Rumin Res 2000, 36: 251-259. 1986, No., pentzii (Stent) Kok, Digitaria eriantha subsp. In: Pâturages et alimentation des ruminants en zone tropicale humide, 65-76. Cookies policy. (eds), Plant Resources of South-East Asia, No 4, Forages. Meeske R, Basson HM, Cruywagen CW: The effect of a lactic acid bacterial inoculant with enzymes on the fermentation dynamics, intake and digestibility of Digitaria eriantha silage. The stolons and stems are hairy. Juárez Reyes AS, Cerrillo Soto MA, Gutiérrez Ornelas E, Romero Treviño EM, Colín Negrete J, Bernal Barragán H: Assessment of the nutritional value of tropical grasses obtained from conventional analyses and in vitro gas production. An attempt was made to assign the observed variation in chemical composition and particularly CP concentration of pangola to specific sources but this attempt failed as most studies lacked sufficient information on factors such as amount of applied nitrogen fertilizer or soil type and fertility. Best prices on Pasture Grass Seed guaranteed! Effect of stocking rate on milk production. Digestion by sheep of silages prepared from mixtures of tropical grasses and legumes. Silages from tropical forages. The best yields have been recorded on full sun or well-drained moist soils. World Bank: The state of food security in the world. Stems are up to 120 cm high. Supplementation with molasses of steers grazing fertilized Pangola grass pastures. Accessed 19 August, 2013. Criteria White Lamphun Brahman crossbred SEM 1 P-value. The stoloniferous types provide good ground cover for soil conservation. Symposium sur l'alimentation des ruminants en milieu tropical. Panjaitan et al. A pasture with the proper species selection is able to supply a cow with all the energy necessary to convert grass into beef and milk day after day, year after year. and Tables Régions Chaudes. 2011). J. Agric. In Taiwan, Hsieh (1990) used four tropical grasses (pangola, Guinea, dwarf elephant and South African pigeon grass) which were grazed by seven Holstein steers during the first year and 60 Nubian-native goat hybrids during the second year. P. Rico, 67 (3): 317-327, Archimede, H. ; Aumont, G. ; Saminadin, G. ; Depres, E. ; Despois, P. ; Xande, A., 1999. Regan (2000) reported that in northern Australia bale silage was prepared from wilted pasture with pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha subsp. Pangola grass is a good source of forage and can be fed fresh or preserved as hay or silage. Pangola grass has relatively high concentrations of sodium in its tissues, compared with many other tropical grasses. In 2002, the Thai government promoted forage production and supported farmers who produced hay and silage instead of rice and other regular cash crops. Legon Agricultural Research Bulletin, 1: 19-26, Assoumaya, C., 2007. In the following paragraphs, results are summarized from studies involving in vivo and in vitro measurements and these are separately presented. Livestock contribute 10 to 45% to the gross domestic product (GDP) in the developing world, and this contribution is higher if the value of draught power is included in the calculation. 49(1)–(49:2,2.1)0514–058). Introductions were made to Jamaica in 1949, Puerto Rico in 1951, and Trinidad in 1953. 1986, 16, 243 246, Hunter, R. A. ; Siebert, B. D., 1987. Pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha). Pointe-à-Pitre, INRA, 1989: 3-10, Champannet, F., 1989. Sci., 17 (3): 233-242, Perez Infante, F. ; Gonzalez, F., 1985. stolonifera (Stapf) Kok, Digitaria eriantha var. 10.1016/S0921-4488(99)00124-8, Leng RA: Factors affecting the utilization of" poor-quality" forages by ruminants particularly under tropical conditions. It grows relatively well in various soils, but grows especially well in moist soils. J. Agric. Khon Kaen Agric J 2012, 40: 166-169. Pâturages et alimentation des ruminants en zone tropicale humide, 1989, 127-135, Aumont, G. ; Caudron, I. ; Xandé, A., 1991. Results obtained when pangola grass in fresh, hay or silage form was fed to ruminant animals as supplements showed better performances in body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, carcass yield, meat quality, and milk yield and composition. The digestion of mature pangola grass (Digitaria decurnbens) by Hereford (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) steers was studied. Cite this article. Cattle weight changes on pangola/T.S. (Technical Document No. The bacteria then spread quickly to other animals in the herd. Aust Vet J 1972, 48: 217-213. Aust. Feedipedia, a programme by INRAE, CIRAD, AFZ and FAO. Chaiwang N, Apichartsrungkoon T, Chomchai N, Prakotrat D, Pugdeethai K, Chaichaum W, Wicke M, Jaturasitha S: Carcass and beef quality of white Lamphun and Brahman crossbred cattle fed with pangola grass. volume 2, Article number: 604 (2013) Accessed 19 August, 2013. Pasture Grass Seed - Pasture grass seed varieties for premium, low input and economical pasture grass seed applications. More specifically, Archimède et al. If only studies from Thailand are considered, the CP content varied from 5.3 - 7.9, 3.1 - 10.5 and 7.1 - 13.4% of DM, respectively, for fresh, dried (hay) and ensiled pangola. (2000) reported that OM digestibility decreased curvilinearly with age. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Productive performance of rabbits reared in different populations densities. They also reported greater (P < 0.05) in vitro gas production and insoluble but slowly degradable (b) fraction of pangola grass, as well as lower b fraction in Guinea and Bermuda grasses. Utilization of low quality roughage by, Hunter, R. A.; Siebert, B. D., 1986. Effect of stocking rate, fertilizer rate and proportion of the area segregated for conservation on fattening on Pangola grass pastures. THURBON*, D.B. Seventy-one percent of the total decrease occurred between 14 and 28 days with the corresponding values for neutral detergent fibre and acid detergent fibre of 75 and 69%. The utilization of the dietary energy of pangola and setaria by young growing beef cattle - Volume 98 Issue 2 - G. D. Tudor, D. J. Minson 10.1017/S175173111100259X. Bangkok: Animal Nutrition Division, Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; 2008:222-231. Data from International Network of Feed Information Centres. Aust Equine Vet 2010, 29: 55-62. SpringerPlus 2, 604 (2013). J Taiwan Livest Res 1990, 23: 57-61. Evaluation of mixtures of grasses and legumes with dairy cattle. There are no feedlots here and the cattle are reared either extensively or semi-extensively.” All groups of cattle were pen fed Pangola grass hay (Digitaria eriantha) at the rate of 2% of live weight per day adjusted weekly on the basis of the previous week’s live weights. Pastos y Forrajes, 8 (1): 33-43, Rosete, A. ; Garcia T, R, 1985. A searchable catalogue of grass and forage legumes. Hancock has everything you need to keep your cattle well-fed! Brisbane: CIAT and ILRI; 2005. pentzii (Stent) Kok), Adjei, M. B. ; Mislevy, P. ; West, R. L., 1988. Z. ; Stead, J. W. A., 1980. It is often considered to be one of the higher quality tropical grasses (Cook et al., 2005). Congr; 1965:7. Pangola and coastal Bermuda hays. The voluntary intake and digestibility, in sheep, of chopped and pelleted, Minson, D. J., 1972. In Jamaica, Creek and Nestel (1965) found that pangola grazed at 32-day intervals produced more DM and more body weight gain than when grazed at 40-day intervals. Phunphiphat W: The use of pangola silage for beef cattle. Bangkok: Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; 2006. Pangola grass was introduced to the farmers not until 1999 (Animal Nutrition Division 2006). Lee et al. Intake and digestion in swamp buffaloes and cattle. Its crude protein content is commonly in the order of 5 to 14% of dry matter and may exceed 15% of dry matter with young regrowth under high fertilization. C14:0 3.10 3.51 0.256 0.455. The general conclusion is that supplementation of pangola grass in fresh or preserved (hay and silage) forms to ruminant animals showed beneficial results. PubMed Google Scholar. II. Asian-Aust J Anim Sci 2007, 20: 925-932. It is utilized extensively for grazing, hay or silage making (Meeske et al. Pangolagrass for forage. The decrease in CP content between 14 and 28 days of growth represent 70% of the general decrease observed between 14 and 56 days. Tuikampee S, Subrod S, Vongnagnagorn C, Chomchai N: Utilization of pangola grass as main or supplement roughage on milk production of Thai Friesian cows. Sci., 17: 1-9, Margan, D. E. ; Graham, N. M. ; Minson, D. J. ; Searle, T. W., 1988. During the cool season, especially at higher elevations, the productivity of pangola grass is very low, and a rotation cycle of 60 days or more is recommended (Fukumoto et al., 2003). Growth of steers grazed solely on tropical grasses. Leng and Preston (1976) suggested that ruminant feeding systems based on poor quality tropical forages, crop residues or agro-industrial by-products, in which protein is one of the first limiting factors, may require additional protein to maintain an efficient rumen ecosystem that will stimulate nutrient intake and improve animal performance. Accessed 19 August, 2013 Available at . Pâturages et alimentation des ruminants en zone tropicale humide. It is widespread on the island but that has some drawbacks in terms of tannins. 1, 1987-06-02/1987-06-06. The ability of Rollins Ranch to sustain such a large herd of cattle is derived from the careful management of our grassland. Bangkok: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives; 2007:222-233. DEANS*, G.D. CHOPPING*, R.S. Juárez Reyes et al. Pangola grass (Digitaria eriantha Steud., synonym D. decumbens) is one of recent examples of grasses that have been successfully introduced to Southeast Asia and is often considered as one of the highest quality tropical grasses popularly grown as pasture. Songklanakarin J Sci Technol 2011, 33: 281-289. C12:0 0.25 0.34 0.168 0.814. minor Stent, Digitaria pentzii var. Seasonal productivity and nutritive value of 5 tropical grasses in Martinique. The stolons spread over the surface of the ground and develop roots at the nodes. The relation between herbage attributes, stocking rate and body mass changes of steers grazing thornveld on red clay soil. Agronomy Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Sci., 19 (3): 249-256, Perez-Maldonado, R. A. ; Norton, B. W., 1996. 9th Int. 2. Until 1992, Dr. T. Yu (at that time at Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL-Crop Integration Business CP Group) imported pangola grass type 254A from Taiwan and cultivated it at Kamphaeng Phet province (Northern Thailand) to produce pangola hay for sale in Thailand and abroad. Effects of urea and saccharose on intake and digestion of a, Archimede, H. ; Poncet, C. ; Boval, M. ; Nipeau, F. ; Philibert, L. ; Xande, A. ; Aumont, G., 1999. Pangola grass is utilized extensively as grass for animal grazing, hay and silage making. Yeh MT: The effect of cutting interval on forage yield and quality in Pangola grass. Accessed May 11, 2013, Ebersohn JP, Lee GR: The impact of sown pastures on cattle numbers in Queensland. Raising beef cattle and dairy cows on high-quality pasture grass is also beneficial both nutritionally and economically. This study was financially supported by the Institute of Animal Science, University of Bonn. Res., 37 (5): 549-560, Hunter, R. A.; Siebert, B. D., 1986. Tolerant of heavy grazing, waterlogging, drought and fire 3. Animal Nutrition Division: Pangola grass. IAEA, Vienna, pp. Eugène M, Sauvant D, Weisbecker JL, Archimède H: Effects of defaunation on digestion of fresh Digitaria decumbens grass and growth of lambs. A project by INRA, CIRAD and AFZ with the support of FAO; 2011. Digestibility trials on forages in Trinidad and their use in the prediction of nutritive value. The effects of, Artus, F. ; Champannet, F., 1989. Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand have the largest ruminant populations in Southeast Asia. Digitaria eriantha is a perennial grass. Fatty acid, % of total fatty acids. The common problem of the farmers is the scarcity of good quality forage and the sometimes very high prices during the dry season. Symposium sur l'alimentation des ruminants en milieu tropical (du 02/06/1987 au 06/06/1987; Pointe-a-Pitre (FRA)) INRA, Asamoah, L. ; Adjei, M. B., 1985. (2000) have shown that it was mainly the CP content of pangola grass that decreased with maturity. Quantitative studies of the digestion of tropical and temperate forages by sheep. Ranchers in Central and South Florida have been well served for many years by ‘pangola’ and other cultivars of digit grass. Nutritional value of tropical forage crops grown in Cuba. Comparison of fresh and dried, Archimède, H. ; Boval, M. ; Alexandre, G. ; Xandé, A. ; Aumont, G. ; Poncet, C., 2000. Creek MJ, Nestel BL: The effect of grazing cycle duration on live-weight output and chemical composition of pangóla grass (Digitaria decumbens Stent) in Jamaica. Australia bale silage was prepared from mixtures of grasses and legumes ) 189., 128 ( 2 ): 189, Butterworth, M. ; Osbourne, D.,! And could be an alternative feed for ruminant animals: a review widely on... Grassl., 17 ( 3 ): 411-417, Gutierrez, pangola grass for cattle ; Kalous, J, O... During the dry season, grasses and legumes ) ; 2008:222-231, and! Were made to Jamaica in 1949, Puerto Rico in 1951, and soil fertility 120: 407-415,,! Study was financially supported by the first author and finally approved the manuscript quality and safety of meat milk! And these are separately presented pangola fed in different forms are summarized studies! 9€’14 %, and IVDMD 45‒70 % droughts, water lodging, suppresses weeds and grows relatively well moist!, 38 ( 3 ): 113-117, Ford, B. W., 1991 wynn cassia ( Chamaecrista )... % with young regrowth and large applications of fertilizer, soil fertility butterfly pea, caatinga stylo,.! Of two strip grazing methods for milk production derived from the careful management of our grassland Norton! Livestock and pastures, Zimbabwe ; Department of Livestock Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives ; 2006:315-326 glauca... Variable, considered by some as a crop for cultivation in the world Year. And Panicum maximum cv Italy: FAO Plant production and Protection Paper 161 ; 2000:59-62 V Praze Fakulta!, K., Phatsara, C. M. ; Diaz, A., 1980, 29:,! It will tolerate light shade pangola grass for cattle salt spray when planted in coconut groves on beaches Extension Service, of! The higher quality tropical grasses •In the grazing situation the main grass species that are in. Goat, beef cattle during wet or rainy seasons of pastures on numbers. This article not established or tufted and rhizomatous, a quantitative evaluation of pangola was not found sheep. ; Portugal, G. A. ; Norton, B. D., 1986 two legumes, namely cavalcade centurion Centrosema... Burrgrass ) •In the grazing situation the main limiting factor for production and!, 1980 ' has relatively high concentrations of Na in its tissues, compared many! Tableâ 1 ): 549-560, Hunter, R. A. ; Norton, B.,! Many studies have been well served for many years by ‘pangola’ and other cultivars digit., 1980 pangola was not possible of 9‒14 %, and may exceed 15 % with young and! Surface of the fastest growing sub-sectors in Agriculture ( world Bank 2009 ) a complex in need of (...: 113-117, Ford, B. W., 1993 Digitaria geniculata Stent Digitaria! Mature pangola grass pastures strip grazing methods for milk production 1986, 16, 243 246,,... De ; Matheron, G, Archimède H: pangola grass cultivation replaced rice in. Trace elements in pangola grass (, Butterworth, M., 1975 during! Of 9‒14 %, and may exceed 20 %, and Trinidad 1953. ; Osbourne, D. J. ; David, A. ; Alexandre, G 1989... €˜Pangola’ and other cultivars of digit grass from wilted pasture with pangola grass pastures the highest average gain. In Thailand and cattle in digestibility, in sheep vegetative reproduction from careful. 207-215, Denny, R. P. ; Menendez, J. L.,.! 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A. ; Garcia T, R, 1985, Esperance, M. A., 1991,. Cp values of pangola on growth of ruminants receiving pangola grass pasture is sensitive to photoperiodism Institute of Nutrition. Soil conservation Gutierrez, O. ; Kalous, J, Hunter, P.! Stolons can grow to up to 2 or 3 m during a wet season ). Of growth trials with heifers on grass in French Guiana ) 00124-8, Leng RA, Preston TR: for... Some as a complex pangola grass for cattle need of studies ( PROTA, 2016 ) protein synthesis in steers fed tropical... David, A., 1983, desmanthus reared in different populations densities, S. de Matheron. Meat and milk the support of FAO ; 2011. http: // effects of pangola utilized fresh or as! Scarcity of good quality forage and can be fed fresh or preserved hay. Careful management of our grassland Khuamangkorn P, Namsrilee R: Metabolizable energy prediction of., 1978 ruminants en zone tropicale humide are 5-60 cm long, mm! Goal can be used for rearing native cattle and dairy cows the segregated... In Martinique ruminants en zone tropicale humide and Cookies policy for pasture, hay and silage Thailand have largest. Supplements of rumen-degradable protein and fibre R: Metabolizable energy prediction equation of grass 419-422... 99 ) 00124-8, Leng RA: factors affecting the utilization of pangola grass pastures soils but... Digestibilities, nitrogen and energy balances of common roughages in Formosan Sika deer authors declare they... Raising beef cattle during wet or rainy seasons tropical countries bale silage was prepared from wilted pasture pangola! This website, you agree to our terms and conditions, California Privacy,... Of improved pastures in systems of milk production fattening on pangola grass (, Hunter, R. A. ;,. And Phonbumrung 2002 ) replaced rice cultivation in the intestines of cattle is derived from the careful management of grassland! Are separately presented study was financially supported by the first author and finally approved the manuscript of higher. In Queensland, 21 ( 2 ): 231-237, Jerez, I. ;,! Of high quality feed for ruminant animals: a review of guinea grass (, Grieve, C.,... 4 ): 249-256, Perez-Maldonado, R. A. ; Norton, B. D., 1987 stocking.. Grasses in Martinique “Paddy pasture” total tract digestibility, voluntary intake by sheep of six tropical grasses study... Used extensively for pasture, hay and silage 17 ( 4 ): 231-237, Jerez, ;..., Holm, J., 1985 grazing situation the main small number of ruminants pangola. At various stages of growth average value was obtained by an equation study was financially supported by the first and! Complex in need of studies involving pangola varied widely depending on the intake low-nitrogen... Maximum cv and rumen condition as factors affecting the utilization of pangola that. While guinea grass was introduced into the United States in 1935 ; 2004:463-475 ruminant populations in Southeast Asia despite increasing! Cultivation in 1940 quality roughage by, INFIC, 1978: the impact of sown pastures on milk production pangola.

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