However, the effluent from the sedimentation tank may contain some quantity of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide as finely divided particles, which should be removed; otherwise these may cause troubles by getting deposited in sand filters and also cause incrustation in pipes of the distribution system. The various advantages and disadvantages of lime-soda process are as follows: (ii) The pH value of water treated by this process is increased which results in decrease in corrosion of the distribution system. However, for public water supply water of zero hardness is not required. It presents excess lime treatment over Eq. Rainwater is considered pure water because it does not contain any salt dissolved in it thought there are dissolved gases present. can only be lowered to approximately 3 or 4°F if there is sufficient permanent hardness available to combine with the sodium carbonate formed. For every grain of hardness removed from water, 8 mg/1 (ppm) of sodium is added. We can remove this hardness by treating the water with washing soda. Equations (ii) and (iii) indicate the removal of temporary hardness by the action of lime on the bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium. Insoluble carbonates are formed when washing soda reacts with the sulphide and chloride salts of magnesium and calcium and thus, hard water is converted to soft water. This tank is similar to coagulation- sedimentation tank. water softening and hardness removal 1. water softening removal of hardness of water permanent hardness temporary hardness permissible limit 75 to 115 mg/l by-krishna murari 2. methods of removal of temporary hardness 1 boiling : magnesium bicabonate and magnesium carbonate cannot be removed. Equation (iv) indicates the reaction between magnesium carbonate and lime. Chalky, white residue or spots appear on dishes. (v) In this process there is removal of iron and manganese also to some extent. Water is permanently hard when calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+), and sulfate (SO 4 2-) ions are present in it. Temporary hardness present in the water can be removed by heating hard water and treating it with lime water. Problems with Hard Water. in this lecture we will clear out concepts about Methods of removing hardness of water | methods to remove temporary and permanent hardness of water The exchange value of Permutit is 35000 to 40000 gm of hardness per m3 of zeolite, which is much higher than that of glauconite or green sand. Permanent Hardness of water can be removed by adding A) Bleaching powder B) Chlorine C) Wasshing soda D) Potassium permanganate Hence this process is quite useful for softening of water to be used for boilers and certain textile industries. The proper amount of 5 to 10 per cent of salt solution is then introduced into the bed and it is allowed to stand in contact with the entire bed for sufficient time. Reactions: Ca(HCO3)2 → ΔCalo3↓ + H2O + CO2. Plagiarism Prevention 5. At this stage zeolite needs to be regenerated to make it again effective for removal of hardness of water. Hard water has high mineral content. When the soluble salts of magnesium and calcium are present in the form of chlorides and sulphides in water, we call it permanent hardness because this hardness cannot be removed by boiling. Zeolites are complex compounds of aluminium, silica and soda, which occur in nature and are therefore available in natural form. Washing soda, ( N a 2 C O 3 .10 H 2 O) is used to remove permanent hardness of water. (x) In this process since no chemicals are added to water there is no danger of excess chemicals being present in the effluent. If this occurs, it is usually caused by the presence of calcium sulfate / calcium chloride and/or magnesium sulfate / magnesium chloride in the water, which do not precipitate out as the temperature increases. Permanent hardness can be removed by the addition of washing soda commonly known as sodium carbonate. Methods to remove permanent hardness - definition Washing soda process: Hard water is treated with a calculated amount of washing soda when chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium present in hard water get precipitated as insoluble calcium and magnesium carbonates which can be filtered off. The reaction produces calcium chloride and hence, there is no softening of water as such. Temporary hardness is due to the presence of calcium hydrogencarbonate Ca(HCO 3) 2 (aq) and magnesium hydrogencarbonate Mg(HCO 3) 2 (aq). (iii) to convert magnesium carbonate into magnesium hydroxide. The zeolite process is carried out in zeolite water softeners which resemble rapid sand filters of either pressure type or gravity type. This means that they can be removed by boiling the water. The regeneration of a zeolite bed may be carried out either at a fixed interval of time or after a certain quantity of water has been softened, or when the effluent obtained has reached a predetermined level of hardness. As such this disadvantage is not that serious. People on restricted sodium intake diets should account for increased levels of sodium in softened water. If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion. After attaining a certain degree of fusing it is allowed to cool. This is usually accomplished by recarbonation process in which carbon dioxide CO2 gas is diffused through the effluent so that the insoluble calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide combine with carbon dioxide to again form the soluble bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium as indicated by the following equations-. However, permanent hardness can be removed only by means of chemical treatment. Further during these reactions various acids viz., carbonic acid, sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid are formed which results in an increase in the acidity of treated water which is not desirable. ⇒ Check: Differences Between Hard Water and Soft Water. The flow of water through the bed may be upward or downward, but the downward flow is more common as there is less danger of loss of material and the filtering action of the bed is better. The usual rate of flow of water through zeolite bed is about 250 litres per minute per square metre area of bed. In this method, sodium-hexa-meta-phosphate (NaPO3)6 known as Calgon is used. The carbon dioxide gas produced in a coke burner is passed through a chamber containing lime stone over which water trickles. Chloride and Sulfate (non-carbonate) ions are responsible for this type of water hardness.It is also known as permanent hardness because it isn’t remove from water by boiling it. Assertion : Permanent hardness of water is removed by treatment with washing soda. The naturally available zeolite is green in colour and it is therefore known as green sand or glauconite. Hardness of Water DEFINITION:“ The property of water to form an insoluble curd with soap instead of lather. Thus for 1 p.p.m of CO2 present, 1.27 p.p.m of lime CaO will be required. If both assertion and reason are true … Base exchange process’ is a chemical method by which, softening of permanent hardness in water can be done on a large scale or for household purposes. In this process hard water is passed through a bed of ion-exchange material or ion exchanger such as resin or carbonaceous material which is also called a hydrogen exchanger. The chemical reactions involved in the cation exchange process are as follows: The above equations indicate that calcium, magnesium and sodium present in water are replaced by hydrogen and thus hard water is softened. An increase in SiO2 content of a synthetic zeolite increases its resistance to aggressive attack but it decreases its exchange value. When temporary hardness precipitates, most is attributable to calcium carbonate. Uploader Agreement. Temporary hardness is caused by calcium and magnesium bicarbonates (Ca(HCO 3) 2 and Mg(HCO 3) 2), and permanent harness – by their sulfates ((CaSO 4 and MgSO 4) and chlorides (CaCl 2 and MgCl 2). Linens and clothes look dull and feel rough. Further molecular weight of CaCO3 (non-carbonate hardness) is 100 and molecular weight of sodium carbonate (or soda ash) Na2CO3 is [(2 × 23) + 12 + (3 × 16)] = 106. Then with the help of a compressor the carbon dioxide gas is diffused at the bottom of a carbonation chamber which contains the effluent from the sedimentation tank. Due to continuous use of zeolite the sodium present in it is exhausted. This process is similar to zeolite process with the difference that in demineralisation process the metallic ions viz., calcium, magnesium, etc., are exchanged for hydrogen ions. The filters may be of ordinary type rapid sand filters or pressure filters. The exchange value of green sand is 7000 to 9000 gm of hardness per m3 of zeolite. Low water pressure from showers due to clogged pipes. Basically, a salt based water softener works to remove high concentrations of calcium and magnesium from water through a process called “ion exchange.” This process “softens” hard water by substituting the hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) with sodium chloride (salt). ⇒ Check: Difference between Adsorption and Absorption. Answer Permanent hardness of water is due to presence of soluble chlorides and sulphates of M g2+ and C a2+. It is only remove from water either by softening or demineralization process. (viii) The whole process is easy and simple and it can be accommodated in the existing filter plant of any water supply scheme. In this method, the permanent hardness of water is removed by using resins. Equation (vii) indicates the chemical reaction between lime and magnesium chloride. (iv) There is no problem of deposition of layer of calcium carbonate in the distribution system. The amount of lime required for softening of water is determined by the amounts of free and half-bound carbon dioxide and of magnesium that are present. However, glauconites or green sands are more rugged than synthetic zeolites. Some of the most common signs of hard water include: How to Remove Permanent Hardness of Water? Moreover acidic water may aggressively attack zeolite by dissolving alumina or silica from it. CaCl 2, CaSO 4, MgCl 2, MgSO 4. It does not lather with soap, so it is not suitable for laundry purposes. Sodium carbonate is dissolved in water and provides enough carbonate ions to react with calcium ions in the water. 2) Permanent hardness: Permanent hardness of water is due to presence of soluble chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium, i.e. The first step in the regeneration of zeolite bed is to backwash the bed in the manner similar to a rapid sand filter, to loosen the particles and remove any material that might have been deposited on the bed. In the third case the regeneration of zeolite bed may be carried out as and when its need is indicated by the results of laboratory tests or field soap test. Soluble bicarbonates are converted into insoluble carbonates which are removed by filtration. Hardness in water is caused by dissolved magnesium ions and calcium ions. Lime-soda water softening plant consists of the following units: These devices are similar to those used for coagulation. (ix) The process is better for excessively hard waters, particularly those high in magnesium hardness, and for water high in sodium. Permanent hardness is also called non-carbonate hardness. (v), is removed by this chemical reaction. There is temporary hardness (that can be removed) and permanent hardness. Temporary hardness is that which can be removed by boiling. Permutit is white in colour and it has the appearance of coarse sand with uniform hard lustrous grains. In the first two cases with the help of suitable controls it is possible to have automatic regeneration of zeolite bed. Soluble salts of calcium and magnesium change into insoluble salts due to the treatment with sodium carbonate (washing soda). In this method, sodium aluminum ortho silicate known as permutit or zeolite is used to remove the permanent hardness of water. Their are two types of water hardness: temporary and permanent hardness. However, in this case a longer detention time, varying from 2 to 4 hours, is provided to obtain greater clarification. This is due to the fact that iron zeolite or manganese zeolite formed during the reaction cannot be reconverted into sodium zeolite. How is permanent hardness removed? Quick lime is preferred for large plants because it is less bulky and cheaper. Equation (v) indicates the chemical reaction between lime and magnesium sulphate. The resulting increased acidity in treated water can be removed by: (i) Diluting treated water with raw water, (ii) Neutralizing treated water with alkaline substance, or. Disclaimer 8. ⇒ Check: Difference between Adsorption and Absorption. Although in the process of recarbonation due to the formation of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium some hardness is imparted to water, but recarbonation is necessary to avoid the above noted troubles. Hydrogen exchanger is regenerated by passing through it a solution of sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid of suitable strength. (iii) The process is suitable for turbid, chalybeate (i.e., impregnated with iron) and acidic waters for which zeolite process cannot be used. These chemicals are mixed in the required proportion and the mixture is fused in a furnace. Hence amount of sodium carbonate (or soda ash) Na2CO3 required to remove I p.p.m of non-carbonate hardness from 1 million litres of water = 106/100 = 1.06 kg. (iii) The process is unsuitable for acidic waters which irreversibly substitute hydrogen for sodium in the zeolite. However, these may also be prepared synthetically. These ions are generated when calcium sulfate (CaSO 4) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO 4) dissolve in water. In the absence of recarbonation a thick layer of calcium carbonate will be deposited in the filtering media and distribution system. Equation (vi) indicates the chemical reaction between sodium carbonate (or soda ash) and calcium sulphate. The hardness in water is removed by the adsorption of Ca++ and Mg++ ions. Here’s a quick overview of the process: Most of the calcium carbonate CaCO3 and magnesium hydroxide Mg (OH)2 which are formed in this process get deposited in the sedimentation tank. If instead of quick lime CaO, hydrated lime Ca(OH)2 is used, then the chemical reaction is as following: The molecular weight of Ca (OH)2 is [40 + (2 × 16) + (2 × 1)] = 74, and the ratio of molecular weights of CO2 and Ca(OH)2 is 44: 74 or 1: 1.68. Water that can be removed by boiling but it forms (insoluble) limescale due to the calcium and magnesium compounds and this removes the ions from the temporary hard water. What is permanent hard water. The other compounds formed during the chemical reactions are soluble in water and these do not impart the property of hardness to water. Hard water is safe to drink but using over a long interval of time can lead to many problems like: The hardness of water can be classified into two types: The presence of magnesium and calcium carbonates in water makes it temporarily hard. Further, these softeners are usually equipped with automatic regeneration control to regenerate either at a fixed interval of time or after a certain quantity of water have been softened. (xii) The first cost and operating cost of the process are comparatively low. (ii) The zeolite unit is compact in design and hence it requires small space. Hardness of water 1. The salt solution is then flushed out and the zeolite bed is put back into service, but the effluent from it should be allowed to go to waste until it shows a hardness of less than 1 p.p.m. (iv) Zeolite water softeners should be operated carefully to avoid injury or damage to the equipment, bed of zeolite and quality of water. The above equations indicate that sodium of salt solution replaces calcium and magnesium of the exhausted zeolite. Content Guidelines 2. Water is present in the oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes, glaciers, etc. Account Disable 12. What is permanent hardness? Reason : H 2 O 2 has stronger dipole-dipole interactions than that shown by water. By zeolite process the hardness of water is reduced almost to zero. (xi) The chemicals involved are easy to handle. Thus for 1 p.p.m of magnesium present, 2.33 p.p.m of lime CaO will be required, or 2.33 kg of lime CaO will be required per million litres of water for 1 p.p.m of magnesium. The chemical reactions involved in this process are as follows: The compounds calcium carbonate CaCO3 and magnesium hydroxide Mg(OH)2 are insoluble in water and these can therefore be removed in the sedimentation tanks. In this process no chemical are added to water as in the case of lime-soda process, but instead of this hard water is passed through a bed of ion-exchange material or ion exchanger commonly known as zeolite, which has a property of interchanging base or ion. This method is not applicable to permanent hardness of water due to magnesium salts. The minimum reaction time allowed in the carbonation chamber is about 20 minutes. Permanent hardness cannot be removed by boiling, but can be removed by ion exchange or other water softener devices. Ugly stains on white porcelain and scale build-up on faucets. As such this process is also known as base-exchange or ion-exchange process. These can get into the water when it comes into contact with limestone and other rocks that contain calcium compounds. (iv) Calcium carbonate is slightly soluble in water to the extent of about 30 mg/l, and hence by lime-soda process water of zero hardness cannot be produced. ⇒ Also Read: Heavy Water – Methods of Preparation and Properties. It cannot be removed by boiling water. (vi) There is reduction in total mineral content of water. It therefore, indicates that the half-bound CO2 amounts to 44% of bicarbonate alkalinity. It is then passed through a dryer containing steel chips or turnings, to remove remaining water and active oxygen. Its chemical formula is 2SiO2 Al2O3Na2O. This type of hardness is called permanent hardness since it cannot be removed simply by boiling the water. The water to be treated by this process should have a turbidity of less than 5 to 10 p.p.m. (ii) The process requires skilled supervision for its successful working. The following reactions take place in this exchange process: Due to continuous use of hydrogen exchanger its hydrogen content is exhausted. It is manufactured from feldspar, kaolin clay and soda. (vi) There is likelihood of growth of bacteria on the bed of zeolite. Permanent water hardness occurs due to the presence of calcium sulfate. Equation (ix) indicates the chemical reaction between sodium carbonate (or soda ash) and magnesium chloride. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. (xiii) By the use of pressure type softener repumping of water is not necessary. This type of hardness can be removed by boiling the water to expel the CO 2, as indicated by the following equation: Permanent hardness is due to calcium and … The various advantages and disadvantages of zeolite process are as follows: (i) In this process sludge is not formed and hence there is no problem of sludge disposal. Privacy Policy 9. Mineral deposits are formed by ionic reactions resulting in the formation of an insoluble precipitate. The sludge can either be discharged directly into river or stream or municipal sewers or it can be used for raising the level of low lying areas. Permanent hardness present in the water can be removed by treating it with soda water and using permutit process. Copyright 10. Hardness can be removed by adding sodium carbonate (washing soda) or by passing the water through an ion-exchange column. The sodium salts that are formed in these reactions are soluble in water and no hardness is imparted to water by these salts. (i) A large quantity of sludge (i.e., insoluble precipitates of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide) is formed in this process which needs to be disposed-off by some suitable method. Soap instead of lather pressure from showers due to the boilers as the deposition of occurs... Into insoluble carbonates which are made up of magnesium and calcium ions the. Hence it requires small space Business Management shared by visitors and users like you or 1:.... 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