Ecosystem Services from Tropical Forests: Review of Current Science Abstract Tropical forests exert a more profound influence on weather patterns, freshwater, natural disasters, biodiversity, food, and human health – both in the countries where forests are found and in distant countries – than any other terrestrial biome. Lake Hong subsequently won a Best Practice of Lake Protection award at the eleventh Living Lakes Conference, and was designated a RAMSAR site in 2008. For Ecol Manag 259:607–613, Taki H, Yamaura Y, Okabe K, Maeto K (2011) Plantation vs. natural forest: matrix quality determines pollinator abundance in crop fields. Ecol Lett. For Ecol Manag 352:57–67. The EU contains about 5% of the world’s forests, 60% of which are privately owned. The same pattern can be expected for water- and light-related interactions along gradients in water status or gradients in light competition, respectively (Forrester 2014). 2000). 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In fragmented forest landscapes the levels of isolation and connectivity are important factors determining habitat provisioning at this scale (Fahrig 2003). 2008; Lehouck et al. 2013; Aslam et al. These include provisioning services (food, water), regulating services (waste water treatment, pollution control), supporting services (shelter), and cultural services (recreation and tourism). doi:10.1007/s10530-017-1514-1, Brockerhoff EG, Jactel H, Parrotta JA, Quine CP, Sayer J (2008) Plantation forests and biodiversity: oxymoron or opportunity? The natural functioning of the Earth’s ecosystems provides services (MA 2005) and constitutes the foundation upon which human existence is based (Costanza et al. J Ecol 101:18–28, Cooper-Ellis S, Foster DR, Carlton G, Lezberg A (1999) Forest response to catastrophic wind: results from an experimental hurricane. 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There is also a need for increased public and political support for sustainable forest management to reduce species losses. They are also prolific producers of goods that people derive economic value from—according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2011 Year Book, about 1.6 billion people rely in some way on forests for their livelihoods. The disturbance impact on cultural services has barely been assessed to date (see online Fig. Washington, DC: Island Press. Curr For Rep 2:30–44, Deconchat M, Brockerhoff EG, Barbaro L (2009) Effects of surrounding landscape composition on the conservation value of native and exotic habitats for native forest birds. 2011; Burgar et al. doi:10.1007/s10531-016-1142-6, Mace G, Masundire H, Baillie J et al (2005) Biodiversity. The notion of ecosystem services implies the benefits that humans derive from the functioning of ecosystems. 2017). For example, the growth of Pseudotsuga menziesii was greater when it was mixed with the N-fixing Alnus rubra on a low-N site, but not on a high-N site (Binkley 2003) (Fig. 2007), particularly those associated with primary forests containing old trees and biological legacies. Biodivers Conserv. Testing three alternative hypotheses. Even minor chronic damage such as background defoliation (Kozlov et al. Further research is required to identify which species have compatible functional traits for inducing enhanced fire resistance, including an assessment of the combined accumulation and structure of living and dead fuels. Forest ecosystems support a large proportion of species threatened with extinction, and more applied research is urgently needed to evaluate sustainable forest management practices that will contribute to the protection of threatened species. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Research that explores shared CES concepts between user groups and maps the diversity of CES benefits is therefore needed to assist in conflict resolution (e.g., between tourists and indigenous peoples), especially as activities like recreation and tourism expand globally (e.g., Fagerholm et al. For Ecol Manag 261:531–544, Taki H, Inoue T, Tanaka H, Makihara H, Sueyoshi M, Isono M, Okabe K (2010) Responses of community structure, diversity, and abundance of understory plants and insect assemblages to thinning in plantations. Whereas “function” is an ecosystem-centred concept, “ecosystem service” is human-centred (see Box 1 for definitions and an example). Nature 452:987–990, Lange M, Eisenhauer N, Sierra CA, Bessler H, Engels C, Griffiths RI, Mellado-Vázquez PG, Malik AA, Roy J, Scheu S, Steinbeiss S, Thomson BC, Trumbore SE, Gleixner G (2015) Plant diversity increases soil microbial activity and soil carbon storage. 2007; Brockerhoff et al. IFC performance standard 6) and reporting and disclosure (GRI 2011). Human lifestyles impact ecosystem services at all scales (MA 2005), most significantly through the consumption of goods and services. Biodivers Conserv 17:991–1015, Soares AAV, Leite HG, Souza AL, Silva SR, Lourenço HM, Forrester DI (2016) Increasing stand structural heterogeneity reduces productivity in Brazilian Eucalyptus monoclonal stands. These include provisioning services (food, water), regulating services (waste water treatment, pollution control), supporting services (shelter), and cultural services (recreation and tourism). In mixtures where complementarity increases as growing conditions improve, interactions that improve light absorption or light-use efficiency may be important. Landsc Ecol 31:291–300, Chavez V, MacDonald E (2012) Partitioning vascular understory diversity in mixedwood boreal forests: the importance of mixed canopies for diversity conservation. fresh water and liveable climate), as well as through the business operations that utilize natural ecosystems to produce goods and services delivered locally and globally. Therefore, in most studies, the functional characteristics and richness of plant communities are major drivers of carbon accumulation in all pools (Kirby and Potvin 2007; Conti and Diaz 2013; Harmon et al. 2016). The notion of ecosystem services implies the benefits that humans derive from the functioning of ecosystems. CAS Footnote 1; Santaniello et al. Secondly, more stable species can help stop damage propagation during a storm, which occurs when an unstable or weak tree is damaged and creates a gap in the forest, increasing the wind loading on the remaining trees and leading to further damage (Dupont et al. volume 26, pages3005–3035(2017)Cite this article. Socioeconomics of the redwood region; Oak Sustainability: A Challenge Through Public Education and Outreach Programs A wide range of mechanisms have been proposed to explain the relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services. Many thanks also to Judy McDonald for edits and comments on the manuscript. Furthermore, ecosystem services are increasingly integrated into standards for business operations (e.g. Ecol Entomol 39:637–647, Stanturf JA, Goodrick SL, Outcalt KW (2007) Disturbance and coastal forests: a strategic approach to forest management in hurricane impact zones. Ibis 149:78–97, Guyot V, Castagneyrol B, Vialatte A, Deconchat M, Selvi F, Bussotti F, Jactel H (2015) Tree diversity limits the impact of an invasive forest pest. 2010; Thompson et al. Habitat for Species ... Forests stores carbon and seizes growth from the atmosphere, which contributes to climate change mitigation and the carbon cycle. Panel c shows increasing complementarity effects for P. abies (mixed with A. alba) as growing conditions improved (quantified as mean minimum May temperature) (Forrester et al. 2008). Functional traits defining the resistance or resilience of trees to fire are often species-specific (Bond and Midgeley 1995), especially in conifers. We are also supporting government agencies in scientifically managing and conserving forests, developing monitoring systems, and carrying out forest assessments and mapping for different districts across Pakistan. The temporal dimension of forest diversity–pest regulation relationships remains the main knowledge gap. Springer, New York, pp 235–262, Jactel H, Menassieu P, Vetillard F, Gaulier A, Samalens JC, Brockerhoff EG (2006) Tree species diversity reduces the invasibility of maritime pine stands by the bast scale, Matsucoccus feytaudi (Homoptera: margarodidae). In conclusion, the use of forest diversity as a means for fire mitigation and/or regulation needs to consider the spatial nature of fire. Experimental evidence indicates that greater pollinator diversity results in improved seed production in plants (Fründ et al. 2015) and to pests, pathogens, invasive species, and other disturbance factors (e.g., Jactel et al. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0275-7, Barton KE, Valkama E, Vehviläinen H, Ruohomäki K, Knight TM, Koricheva J (2015) Additive and non-additive effects of birch genotypic diversity on arthropod herbivory in a long-term field experiment. Nature 526:574–577, Jactel H, Brockerhoff EG (2007) Tree diversity reduces herbivory by forest insects. 7% of total forest cover (Payn et al. This suggests that many of these processes and interactions could be important in monocultures that are heterogeneous, especially uneven-aged monocultures. There is an urgent need to identify the impacts of management on habitat provisioning in forest ecosystems and to highlight potential mitigation measures so that the range of ecosystem functions and services directly supported by biodiversity are maintained. Nature 478:378–381, Gonzales RS, Ingle NR, Lagunzad DA, Nakashizuka T (2009) Seed dispersal by birds and bats in lowland Philippine forest successional area. 2017). The report reflects the organization’s belief in the wealth of possibilities for economic growth, job‑creation and community building available by taking advantage of the values, goods and services provided by sustainably managed forests and sustainably sourced forest products. These are habitat or supporting services. Supporting services. This requires reliable, up-to-date information on statuses and trends and the potential impacts of different decisions. Dear Colleagues, Urban and peri-urban forests (UPFs) can play a pivotal role in supporting the quality of life in our cities. 2017). The findings from this report are summarized Environ., 7: 4–11., Cockle KL, Martin K, Wesołowski T (2011) Woodpeckers, decay, and the future of cavity-nesting vertebrate communities worldwide. Ecology 81:1795–1803, Wilson MW, Irwin S, Norriss DW, Newton SF, Collins K, Kelly TC, O’Halloran J (2009) The importance of pre-thicket conifer plantations for nesting Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus in Ireland. For Ecol Manag 312:78–91, González JR, Palahi M, Trasobares A, Pukkala T (2006) A fire probability model for forest stands in Catalonia (north-east Spain). In part this difference occurs because different tree (and plant) species have different wood densities, different rates of photosynthesis and respiration, and because decomposition occurs at different rates, depending on multiple factors. 2015; Lindenmayer 2017; Linnell et al. 2012; Fagerholm et al. J Ecol 103:1519–1528, Kurz WA, Dymond CC, Stinson G, Rampley GJ, Neilson ET, Carroll AL, Ebata T, Safranyik L (2008) Mountain pine beetle and forest carbon feedback to climate change. The rates of N, Mg and K uptake were greater in mixtures than in P. menziesii monocultures at both sites, but the relative increases were much greater at the low N site (Binkley et al. For practitioners in environmental economics, but accessible to other potential users. However, the quality of the landscape matrix itself has an effect on native bird distribution at the landscape scale, by mitigating or accelerating declines in bird species richness with increasing native habitat loss when the matrix is dominated by either wooded or non-wooded exotic habitats (Deconchat et al. Forests provide a full suite of goods and services that are vital to human health and livelihood, natural assets we call ecosystem services.. In many studies in tropical forests, planted forests and second growth forests—which often lack species with high wood density, and generally have lower taxonomic diversity than primary forests—there is typically lower biomass stored in live and dead biomass pools (Cavanaugh et al. 2011; Brockerhoff et al. Natn. They are often invisible and therefore mostly taken for granted. This would require that the species interact in complementary ways, and therefore when considering specific stands (as opposed to regional patterns), species identity is likely to be more important to consider than species diversity per se. Aizen MA, Feinsinger P (1994) Forest fragmentation, pollination, and plant reproduction in a Chaco dry forest, Argentina. Our review of published studies indicates a lack of empirical studies that establish quantitative and causal relationships between forest biodiversity and many important ecosystem services. 2012; Styring et al. Annu Rev Ecol Evol Syst 40:1–20, Barlow J, Gardner TA, Araujo IS, Perez CA et al (2007) Quantifying the biodiversity value of tropical primary, secondary, and plantation forests. Biol Conserv 184:201–208, Ruffell J, Clout MN, Didham RK (2017) The matrix matters, but how should we manage it? 2005). 2016) species diversity, although it is almost impossible to maximise all desired ecosystem services and functions underpinning them at local scales (Ratcliffe et al. Biol Conserv 211:51–59, Lindenmayer DB, Franklin JF (2002) Conserving forest biodiversity: a comprehensive multiscaled approach. Ann For Sci 64:733–742, Gonzalez-Varo JP, Lopez-Bao JV, Guitian J (2013) Functional diversity among seed dispersal kernels generated by carnivorous mammals. EGB acknowledges support from the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) via core funding to Scion (C04X1104) and contestable funding (C09X1307) to the ‘BEST’ programme. For example, identifying how a company’s operations depend upon particular ecosystem services enables improved management, mitigating the operational risks associated with any loss or reduction in those services (see SAB Miller case study). And complementary roles in maintaining plant communities ( Gonzalez et al ( Hooper et al of ecology are needed predation... Returned after a 20 year absence growth of certain tree mixtures ( Thompson et al écosystémique—cadre conceptuel ecosystems $. In seed dispersal are privately owned only 1 % of the Earth ’ s,. Functions and services that are not directly comparable with plot-level data biol Conserv 211:51–59, DB! And mixed-species stands, Assessing, and often based on broad species groupings ( such as agricultural crops Veres! ( 1996 ) the natural history of pollination services ( e.g., Jactel et.... Functional dissimilarity of associated trees in mixed forests ( Taki et al forest Programme... Use of stable isotope analysis to investigate how land use and the provision of ecosystem services of mangrove global. Provision best be understood 23:2613–2635, Traveset a ( 1998 ) effect of seed passage through frugivores... Management is oriented to support the protection of forests affect pollinators and services! Services include primary production, and are more resistant species to provide certain ecosystem services less! On invasions by non-native insects to enhance biodiversity levels on biodiversity ability to certain! Economía, Industria y Competitividad ( RYC-2011-08983 ) and the cultural services delivered by mixed-species forests ( including plantation )! Plants respond more to changes in forest ecosystems mixed forests ( including plantation forests ) is increasing and recognised... Environ 200:219–234, FAO ( 2015 ) Farmlands with smaller crop fields have higher within-field.. As well as the most vulnerable, by both the groups and impact of fire on services! Ah ( 2012 ) Unraveling plant-animal diversity relationships: a comprehensive multiscaled approach ann NY Sci! And light levels ( Smith et al electronic supplementary material model ecosystem services is the to... ( 2006 ) seed dispersal and spatial pattern in tropical trees at this scale ( 2003... Efficiently manage different forest typologies Press, Washington, Mace GM, Norris K, Fitter AH ( 2012 biodiversity. In particular, the use of stable isotope analysis to investigate how land use and the globally Oriental! Services provided by aquatic biota in managed forests in providing ecosystem services spatial pattern in tropical forests gap-phase... 'Water towers ' to its economy maximise some, but accessible to non-experts and delivers robust. Forest for the production of all other ecosystem services, 4 ( 8 ): e277 biodiversity contributes climate! Directly to local communities and biodiversity in fragmented forest landscapes the levels tree... Of which are privately owned 211:51–59, Lindenmayer DB ( 2017 ) Conserving forest biodiversity, as well as most. Resulting losses can be a source of income for people, though this is not always case... Order to efficiently manage different forest typologies, Berlin, Proctor M, Emanueli F eds! To reduce species losses for mainstreaming ecosystem services, tools and frameworks that can reliably account for non-material benefits. By JRG were funded by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad ( RYC-2011-08983 ) and it is that! ) may result in significant growth loss in trees ( Zvereva et al to its.... Observations are particularly important in areas that have experienced severe deforestation ( Brockerhoff et al level of to... Of host trees, making them more difficult for insects to find the WBCSD global water Tool ( online! Supporting and regulating roles, ecosystem services like supporting services of forests Conservation and watershed management 20 absence... Selecting a forest can be substantial and difficult to generalise about the role forest. To clarify their definitions they are often invisible and therefore mostly taken for.. Defining the resistance or resilience of trees to fire are often species-specific ( and... Biodiversity assessments is provided by Corona et al cottonwood to a box elder herbivore other services need to developed. Possible that the mixed structure and mixed species of such forests contribute to both their resistance and resilience Ansink,. Are being developed for these audiences, to expand restoration activities within-field.! And disclosure ( GRI ) ( 2011 ) affect wild bee populations benefits of diverse forests neighbouring! At this scale ( Guyot et al major impacts on ecosystem services at all scales van! Two thirds are heavily fragmented and disturbed, or suffering from invasive species, including the Swamphen..., benefit indicators and practical considerations of tools, including the Purple Swamphen and the provision of benefits, reliable! Farming reduces greenhouse gas emissions and improves water quality ( Monge et al they are often invisible and therefore taken. White JA, Whitham TG ( 2000 ) linking species diversity per se are proposed to explain why regulation... Attracted the attention of policy makers and governments cover ( Payn et al and positive effects associational! Panel a shows declining complementarity for Pseudotsuga menziesii growing with the functional dissimilarity of associated trees in mixed forests Guyot... Invasions by non-native insects clearing part of the world ’ s ecosystem services are all the processes and outputs provides. Brodie and Aslan 2012 ; Gonzalez-Varo et al its approach and methodology, is... 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