underachieving gifted students: two case studies

Teachers must first understand the root causes of lack of performance. This multiple case study examines the relationship between self-presentation and underachievement as … (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. Of course, it is also the case that EAL students may be gifted but less verbal, more mathematically or pictorially oriented. There has been little research exploring the motives, experiences and strategies that gifted students utilise in relation to the fulfilment of These two strategies are (1) to add meaning to schoolwork, and (2) to use the class period in the most effective way. Three Case Studies of Gifted Students who Underachieve in High School "Academic underachievement in gifted students is a serious problem that has perplexed educators and researchers for more than five decades. For instance, a study by VanTassel-Baska (2000) found that 63% of gifted students are underperforming. Features. define underachievement, particularly among gifted students. With the rise of research on giftedness, the problem of underperforming 11 Gifted underachieving students Contents 12 Part C: Assessing gifted students ... studies of the gifted based on the Stanford–Binet Intelligence ... (e.g. Self-regulated learning (SRL) and the gifted learner in primary school: The theoretical basis and empirical findings on a research program dedicated to ensuring achievement of potential in two underachieving gifted students. Still, many gifted students do display concerning qualities of unhealthy perfectionism [8–11]. High percentages of gifted students do underachieve, but this underachievement can be reversed. In the second episode of Generation Gifted, we meet the three able boys. Excerpts of a case study will be used to provide the reader with a practical example. The straightforward reality is that the very children who need some of the greatest support because they are smart but disadvantaged are precisely the learners who are underperforming and underachieving on an industrial scale. This case study was written by Granada and Lapan (no date)1, an unpublished report based on earlier case studies conducted by Granada and hereafter cited as Granada (1997). Storrs: University of Connecticut, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. Case studies of underachieving giftedness give readers a deeper insight into these pertinent issues. Praxis Gifted Exam. Your child has likely become what is known as an underachieving gifted student. The study also disproved the conclusion of Western researches that HK underachievers demonstrate maladaptive attribution patterns. concern that large numbers of gifted students were dropping out of school due to boredom and disinterest on the part of teachers and adminis-trators (Kanevsky & Kieghley, 2003). Talents in two places: Case studies of high ability students with learning disabilities who have achieved (Research Monograph 95114). One’s learning style has been defi ned as the way an B 2006 Factors related to the underachievement of university students in Turkey from ETHICS 316 at Grand Canyon University For some, underachievement appears to be a deliberate choice making them a population of learners at-risk. Peterson's follow-up study (2000a) and two qualitative 4-year longitudinal studies (2001a, 2002) explored underachievement in terms of developmental task accomplishments. In a case study review, Kanevsky and Keighley (2003) identified five characteristics that can alleviate some of the disengagement and boredom common among gifted underachievers. Located in an area of low socioeconomic status (SES), all students in the school system, which incorporates only two schools, qualify for free breakfast and lunch. These data were analysed using open-coding methods. The underachievement of gifted students is a perplexing phenomenon. Some gifted students have issues regarding anger, boredom, bullying, delinquency, isolation, depression, peer relations, perfectionism, dropping out of school, stress, frustration, and underachievement. students. Cases of Underachievement in Nontraditional Gifted Students To illustrate the affective development among students whose talents differ from those in academic or athletic realms, two case studies are featured. Table 1 Basic Information of Research Participants. In a case study review, Kanevsky and Keighley (2003) identified five characteristics that can alleviate some of the disengagement and boredom common among gifted underachievers. Most counseling interventions concentrate on changing the personal and / or family dynamics that contribute to a student’s underachievement. 19. Using the study of Chow, Chow, and Ku-Yu (2003) as reference, students in the case study were identified accidentally. Her teacher and the reading specialist referred her for assessment because of an obvious discrepancy between her verbal skills and her reading and writing skills. ED414687) Google Scholar These students can be classified as underachieving gifted students. Underachievement is a pervasive problem which results in a tremendous waste of human potential in this country, even among our most able students. Most studies have examined underachievement from outside the student, but two studies have retrospectively examined underachievement from the formerly underachieving and This article reviews the causes of under‐achievement in gifted students and discusses two successful intervention programs implemented at the secondary and elementary levels in a metropolitan area. The strategies most effective were demonstrated to be one-to-one teaching strategies, positive teacher–student relationship and differentiation. The Conformist
The conformist is a child who has discovered that doing well in school is not worth their effort or time. Case Studies of Underachievement in Students with Gifts and Talents Sara is a fifth grade student who has recently experienced learning problems in school for the first time. A Case Study of Minority and Low-SES Gifted Students’ Perceptions of the Effects of a Gifted Resource Specialist BY ©2010 Sherry L. Samples Submitted to the graduate degree program. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02533 Here are some of the most known ways teachers usually use to identify underachieving students: First, you could let your students complete an intelligence test to see whether a student how gifted a student is. Interest-ingly, out of all high school dropouts, as many as 20% of them may have been gifted (Renzul-li & Park, 2000). This multiple case study examined the phenomenon of gifted student underachievement, using creative productivity (Type III enrichment in Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model) as a systematic intervention for reversing the underachievement pattern. Finally, with respect to the factors affecting underachievement, the study confirmed that many gifted underachievers were suffering from lack of the gifted program or having not enough challenge at school, poor student-teacher and student-peer … Not all gifted underachieving children dis-play each of the characteristics suggested by researchers. Recognizing the gifted student then, is the first area where the education system disadvantages this group. individuals to learn together. A.Taking a leadership role One fruitful direction for future research is to examine differential effects of interventions for both gifted and typical underachieving students. In other situations, students might face cultural pressure to succeed, and if their giftedness does not extend to all content areas, they may demonstrate avoidance behaviors. A lack of a supportive academic environment, the instructional setup a student encounters, can cause gifted children to not reach full potential. PLAY. PowerPoint Presentation *refer to criteria in rubric, 8 pts. Twelve teachers selected 17 underachieving students (ages 8 to 13) as subjects. Interventions to reverse gifted underachievement usually fall into two general categories: counseling and instructional interventions (Baum, Renzulli, & Hébert, 1995; Rimm, Cornale, Manos, & Behrend, 1989). Storrs: University of Connecticut, The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. Case study-Profoundly Gifted Student.pdf. Washington, DC: National Association for Gifted Children. advanced or gifted programs (Ford, Grantham, & Whiting, 2008). Lost confidence and potential: A mixed methods study of underachieving college students’ sources of self-efficacy By Carlton J. Fong Gifted Achievers and Underachievers: A … A related issue concerns one's definition of underachievement. Underachieving means that your child is not performing at school as you expect them to based on their abilities.
6. Less verbal, but just as gifted. This study examined how classroom climate affected the performance of students identified as gifted and labeled as underachievers in a secondary science classroom. In their research, Rubenstein, Siegle, Reis, McCoach, and Burton (2012) found that though gifted students are not typically considered at risk, there is a growing group of gifted students who are not motivated to learn, which is frustrating for parents, teachers, and counselors. 1 . Studies have generally shown the dropout rate among gifted high school students enrolled in regular public schools to be somewhere between 10 and 20 percent The teacher can also improve retention by packaging information in an engaging way. Through the two case studies, qualitative data were gathered from multiple sources and perspectives. Several studies report lower academic self-concept in underachieving students compared with non-underachieving students (Rimm, 2003), and gifted underachieving students have a lower general self-concept than non-underachieving students but not a lower academic self-concept (McCoach and Siegle, 2003a,b). Underachievement can be defined as the demonstration of a severe discrepancy between the anticipated achievements or results and the actual achievements in talented or gifted children or students. Case studies of talented students who achieve and underachieve in an urban high school (Research Monograph 95120). Conclusions you have come to about the nature and needs of gifted students from . The current study reviewed 14 recent empirical studies concerning the effectiveness of underachievement interventions on gifted students’ achievement outcomes and … Gagné’s assertion is that one’s social and familial context, the provision of … Compared to achievers, gifted underachievers A Study of Achievement and Underachievement Among Gifted, Potentially Gifted, and Average African American Students (Research Monograph 95128) Donna Y. Ford (1995) Factors Affecting the Career Decision Making of Minority Teachers in Gifted Education (CRS99212) across studies, the characteristics of gifted underachievers were much more similar to underachievers in general than to gifted students in general. This will often be the case with gifted, previously educated students. qualitative case study investigation. They do not develop to their full potential. This book is a valuable way to introduce students to the complex world of teaching and learning." Underachieving Gifted Learner. Generation Gifted case studies STUDY. Family difficulties and poor teaching were factors in his high-risk status. Old Dominion University. Gifted underachievers as "selective consumers" is a concept first identified by Delisle and Galbraith, and describes the very independent path these students take. Night of the notables: a program for gifted and talented students intended to provide modelling for life from the lives of the eminent and famous for use as gifted education in schools. Acquire HD Quality research work with 100% Plagiarism free content Case study 5: identifying gifted children; Case study 5: identifying gifted children. There are three common causes of underachievement. This format captures good practice in curriculum design and implementation at the national, regional, school and classroom levels. This case study of an underachieving gifted ninth-grade male reports on classroom observations where the student's behavior varied with the teacher and classroom climate. StudentShare Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in … Due to economic problems of the past Reversing underachievement in students with twice-exceptionality: findings from two case studies Academic underachievement in gifted students has the potential to cause emotional, social and behavioural issues due to the discrepancy between gifted students’ learning needs and what is offered in the curriculum. Underachievement occurs when a child's performance is below what is expected based on the child's ability. These students are future leaders, problem solvers and innovators. Three Key Details about the Identification of Twice Exceptional. doing this case study, 7 pts. Therefore, it raises the question of how the process of selecting gifted students is done in our elementary schools where identification first takes place. Lesson Summary. Since the 19th century, attention has been paid to cognitive talent in the scientific literature (Gagne, 1985; Cravens, 1992). Research Article: Rubenstein, L.D., Siegle, D. Introduction to the special issue: Understanding and promoting motivation in gifted students, Psychology in … Statistics show that one third of gifted children are underachieving. In the study conducted by the researchers, the findings were demonstrated across two case studies. To answer these research objectives, two separate case studies were conducted with two participants identified as being gifted, yet underachieving. Research also exists about the potential reasons for underachievement among gifted students. In the present case study, the authors address this shortcoming. NEW! Denice Scala. Despite decades of research regarding gifted underachievement and its causes, consequences, and interventions, we have yet to eliminate the syndrome. Underachievement in Gifted Children. In the longitudinal studies, convergence of developmental task accomplishments was associated with motivation for academic achievement. The instructor’s guide features a wealth of information to use with students, including discussion questions, project suggestions, and sample tests. Underachievement of gifted students has been a great concern for the field of gifted education. For many gifted students the school environment appears to lack these key constructs resulting in disengagement, denial of giftedness due to perceptions of stigmatisation and often, chronic underachievement. School of Education and the Graduate Faculty of the University of Kansas / Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in partial fulfillment of the There are three common causes of underachievement. Preview. " Since underachievement and its subsequent consequences are not easy to overturn or cancel out, the focus of many educators is to spot underachievement at a young age and address the causes. The term underachievement describes the discrepancy between a child’s performance in school and his or her actual ability (Rimm, 1998). About 20-25% of gifted students have emotional difficulties. According to these researchers, students must experience control, … Case studies of underachieving gifted students give readers a deeper insight into these issues. Some gifted children, however, underachieve. The first issue concerning underachievement is the definition, given the fact that there is no consensus on it (McCoach and Siegle, 2011). Which of the following nonacademic skills is the peer coach most likely developing? Twice Exceptional (TE) Students who are both gifted and have a learning disability exhibit remarkable talents in some areas and disabling weaknesses in others. My Gifted middle school students are partnered to work on case studies with alternating roles of problem solver and peer coach. Prepared by Sonia White 2001 Second: test your students in groups. However, most researchers generally assume that one or two spe-cific factors are fully responsible for the underachieve-ment of gifted students. Using the study of Chow, Chow, and Ku-Yu (2003) as reference, students in the case study were identified accidentally. Recent studies suggest that anywhere from 1 in 50 up to 1 in 200 academically gifted students fails to complete high school, depending on the criteria used to determine giftedness. It provides methods for both its detection and the correct identification of the cognitive and non-cognitive variables involved (Lau and Chan, 2001; McCoach and Siegle, 2003a, b, 2011; Matthews and McBee, 2007). 1. Some gifted children, however, underachieve. Thearacteristic ch behaviors of underachieving gifted students have been studied extensively since the 1950s. This project was a case study operating within the practitioner research discourse ... high-end software to stimulate creativity among gifted underachieving students. A key to the problem of underachievement may involve students’ individual learning style preferences. They view school like a Sunday buffet, where they can select what they want and ignore the rest. Gifted underachievers as " selective consumers " is a concept first identified by Delisle and Galbraith, and describes the very independent path these students take. First, let's review some basic concepts about memory. In the case of underachievement, it is by refusing to cooperate with the wishes of others, whether it be teachers or parents. In developing questions to guide case study research, Stake (1995) suggested ... factors against underachievement for at-risk gifted students, and (4) to what extent do ... academic achievement as evidenced by consistent participation in at least two academically rigorous courses per semester such as dual enrollment, Advanced . In this regard, the expected results are measured by intellectual or cognitive ability evaluations or some standardized achievement test scores. Underlying causal factors may include: a masked physical, cognitive or emotional issue, a mismatch between students and their school environment, students’ attitudes about themselves and their schooling, and lack of self-regulation and study-skills (Siegle & McCoach, 2005). In general, underachievement is defined as a discrepancy between ability and performance. Teacher’s Guidebook for instructors available for adopters of the sixth edition text. The text also provides an overview of the variety of tests commonly used to identify gifted students and their strengths and weaknesses. Despite this, some gifted students continue to underachieve. In the field of education, the term underachievement has received increasing attention in recent decades. Whitmore (1980) notes that some gifted students may even have a relatively high grade point average when compared to their age peers, while underachieving in one or two content areas. For example, many of the researchers intervening with gifted underachieving students provided specific rationale for fitting their intervention to the needs of gifted students (e.g., Butler-Por, 1987). Less verbal, but just as gifted. According to these studies, the most common factors associated with underachievement in talented children include the following; Low motivation and self-regulation Low academic self-perception Underachievement may take the form of lower class grades, academic … Underachievement among gifted students is a significant issue. From the scientific literature, it is clear that underachieve… Emily is a fact checker, editor, and writer who has expertise in psychology, health and lifestyle content. When a pattern of continuous decline in group achievement … I explored the teacher perspectives on differentiation for gifted students in the general education classroom. Overall Quality of Case Study *refer to criteria in rubric, 7 pts. The studies, such as Sousa (2009), Cassady (2010), and Callahan and Davis (2012), have documented several causes of underachievement in gifted children. two students with gifts in the same field will not necessarily have the same abilities in that field) Despite numerous studies on underachievement among African‐American students and among gifted females, few studies have addressed underachievement among gifted African‐American females. Some gifted students deal with The case studies in the Netherlands and the Canton of Lucerne refer to projects/practice in primary education and the case The third section contains six case studies, two for each participating country. 410 Underachieving gifted students: Two case studies demonstrates that those identified as gifted may not realise their ability in demonstrated performance if the aforementioned catalysts impede their progress. Since underachievement and its subsequent consequences are not easy to overturn or cancel out, the focus of many educators is to spot underachievement at a young age and address the causes. This study utilised a specifically designed Creative Writing Programand adopted a part-time withdrawal strategy to explore the impact of particular teaching strategies on reversing the underachievement of two gifted students. Through the two case studies, qualitative data were gathered from multiple sources and perspectives. .. 65 The optimal context for gifted students: an exploration of motivational and affective variables. In this case the child is ‘underachieving’. This article will present the difficulties gifted children with a double label have to deal with, especially the difficulties in the educational system. Underachieving gifted students: Intervention programs that work. In developing questions to guide case study research, Stake (1995) suggested ... factors against underachievement for at-risk gifted students, and (4) to what extent do ... academic achievement as evidenced by consistent participation in at least two academically rigorous courses per semester such as dual enrollment, Advanced . The role of the peer coach is to guide the other student in using a questioning protocol to solve the case study. Talented - A gifted child who is performing at a level significantly above his her age group. Some studies actually show that gifted students score more favorably on adaptive dimensions of perfectionism [6,7] compared to other groups. Remember that gifted children may not excel in all areas. This will often be the case with gifted, previously educated students. Both parents and teachers had no prior knowledge that underachievement among the gifted exists and therefore were unaware of the potentials they have.

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