My Construction Management Degree felt like half business degree, half construction related. In the same timeframe? Like Bill Burr said, happiness can be sleeping on a futon when your 30 years old if you failed attempting to achieve your dreams, so long as you aren't the 30 year old who is sleeping in bed with his wife in a shitty marriage with a job he hates regretting he never took a chance. In most cases, a construction manager will work closely with engineers and management alike, serving as the individual who helps bring the various components of the project together. But I certainly would have struggled to create the opportunity to have learned 90% of what I know now had I not been given a shit just based on my degree. To which I respond, civil engineering, architecture and construction management goes hand in hand. the 4 year degree is a way to filter out the morons. pick the school that companies recruit from. Five different yet related positions that are centered on construction and management include the following: Five Career Paths for Construction Management 1. I did take classes on construction law, business law, scheduling, estimating, construction systems, OSHA, that taught me things I use every day. I'm on an internship right now and I can't think of anyone in the company that's not a laborer that doesn't have a degree. Compare that with a CM graduate. estimating can take a while to learn. Get on a site, be affable, ask questions and be useful. CM definitely narrows your options, at least starting out. Is it worth spending 4 years and tuition and opportunity cost in lost wages? Years of experience doesn't mean much if they're not intelligent enough to handle management duties. Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in construction usually earn a Bachelor of Science (BS). [–]cmbear 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago* (5 children). I guess I need to make the point that the CM degree was not good to me because of the piece of paper. This isn't answering your questions, but if you want to succeed in CM, you have to put in the time. I don't know. in my experience, going through interviews and working in construction, managers rarely ask about my degree. [–]cmbear 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago* (9 children). Small town here- completely worthless id rather have hands on experience than a degree. Anybody working in this field is welcome! I can honestly say comfortably that going there and getting a degree in CM was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Now whether you should do it after a 2 year civil engineering diploma and years of field experience all depends on how high you want to go. I did take classes on construction law, business law, scheduling, estimating, construction systems, OSHA, that taught me things I use every day. Lots of people get hired with a CM degree. Can't you learn that in a OSHA 10 or 30 class in a week? My college placed over 70 percent of graduates in 2009 - you remember that recession thing? Of course with every bachelor degree the first couple year's you have to take gen ed courses like environment, English, etc, but that's just college, not everything is useful. The list goes on, let alone the internship experience. Check out our top 10 benefits of having a Construction Management degree … Yeah I agree i would definitely have to weigh out both sides of the situation, and it may be that I just decide to risk it either way. If you have a general interest in building and design, or you wish to pursue a career in business or construction management, this program is the right choice for you. - make sure the program is accredited But since you have good experience and some sort of a degree from somewhere then you should be fine. Many of the superintendents I work with come from a trade based background, however this may be a slowly fading generational thing. I've been contracting for years, and I keep meeting the same person. And How to do it? Top 10 Benefits of a Construction Management Degree and What You Can Do With It The benefits of having a construction management degree are endless and can lead to a very rewarding career in building and construction. Look at some old ones and that's about it. I have a two year diploma in civil engineering and a carpentry ticket, worked on sites my whole working life (6 years), and in my opinion that theoretically should be enough to walk into an entry level management job, however now I'm honestly confused if one even has to have any field experience to be a manager, since the job mostly entails being a bookkeeper. Many people succeed in business without any degree, let … If someone is willing to hire you and you can do the job without a degree then win/win. The average tuition for a four-year degree depends on whether you go to a public or private school. I feel like if you really want to move up field experience and a degree are important. [–]cmbear 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (5 children). One advantage I have had in my short five year career is that because of my ignorance to what the drawings say, compared to how it is actually installed in the field, is that I am not loading my job with extra monies and contingencies because I see the issues pre-award. since you have experience already and i assume you would have connections within the industry. Risk management - if you think that means OSHA or is safety related you are misled. I am 21[M] and I have been working in the family construction business for a couple of years now. After scrolling through some discussions, we found the most popular options when it comes to construction management degrees or certifications. Cal Poly SLO is heavily recruited. I honestly can't figure out if its a worthwhile degree or one of those scams designed to milk money out of students and taxpayers? It relates entirely to construction law and contracting, and deferring or accepting risk of construction liability for things like fires, floods, accidents, subs who go bankrupt etc. If you are a homeowner with questions about a home improvement project, please visit /r/homeowners or /r/HomeImprovement This is a subreddit for trade professionals. 3.) The average graduate class, on the other hand, has fewer students, and it’s often the case that everyone is expected to vigorously e… That school might work for you since you already have experience. If someone is wondering, I'm talking about BCIT, Vancouver, one of the best technical schools in Canada. A better comparison, is taking a business economics major or accounting graduate from a decent school and throwing him into the construction project engineer path. That in itself led to projects most people never have the opportunity to be a part of. i think that within 6 months of on the job training, the accounting or economics graduate can be equivalent to a fresh CM graduate. I believe we have to agree to disagree, based on the people doing exactly what you are saying you can do with field experience who are ten years older than I am and are two job positions subordinate to me. What school are you taking the program at? nevermind, i found it. Unit impulse function in civil Engineering. The minimum requirement for the Master of Construction Management degree is 32 units. I am a project manager of a mid-level GC and I never received a construction-related degree. Construction site management (degree) Reference Number: ST0047 Details of standard Occupation(s) The occupation covered by this standard is that of Construction Site Manager. I also looked through the classes in the program, and half of them in my opinion are useless (environmental, English, ethics, leadership, etc), so clearly if I study, I'll study for the paper. Highly recommend it, and they offer a similar degree at night as well. By the time you graduate there might not be many jobs. Wouldn't you want the intern experience though? With the degree you can relocate and with all of your experience can easily land an assistant project manager job paying @90K right away, Or even a superintendent job at well over 100K, You already have credits so they should help you get some of the classes waived. I could do the dirty work as a project manager … Yes, as a VP of a contractor doing very well, and hiring guys like you - $50-60K was the norm. It's more versatile and a lot of jobs call for either a CM or CE degree. It may happen on rare occasion, but any more, if you want to work for the big boys or excel at a rapid pace in a small company, the information download speed is too fast in college and field experience can't compete. a bachelor's degree from Fresno State would allow you to bypass the HR filter, factor in your experience already working for a family owned GC. Absolutely untrue. okay so im graduating in june and im going to anne arundel community college for 2 years to see if im fit for college, then hopefully transfer. Nothing else. Your classmates are your family. It gives you a powerful push, provided it’s focused on construction management exclusively. The industry puts an emphasis on experience so you might not hit a lower ceiling than you want to, but then again it could happen since you don't have a 4 year degree, depends on the company. The skills learned in each apply to a wide variety of positions. Or even superintendents at 100k? Good Colleges for Construction Degrees. Your resume would have to be filtered by HR or recruiters. in CM there is no licensure which is why i dont see the point of accreditation. [–]cmbear 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (1 child). You will put in long hours in the lab analyzing data and compiling reports, take the toughest classes in math and the sciences, and just generally work hard for your degree. Future should be pretty easy/bright once u get a 4 year degree. Starting Median Pay: $50,200Mid-Career Median Pay: $85,200Growth In Pay: 70%Projected Job Growth: 16.6% (self.Construction), submitted 5 years ago by thehoochiecoochie. JOBTITLE: Project Manager for a Grain Elevator Construction Company - Full Time DESCRIPTION: Project Manager will collaborate with engineers, architects and construction personnel in the office, and in the field…While doing so you must follow Thorstad Construction Co., Inc and our Customers safety guidelines, which state, you must wear the proper PPE while doing the job. And after 15 years, I was looking for work as a PM w/ 15-yo solid experience, but everyone wanted a degree (2010); but then a few years later, (2013,) employers cared less about degrees, so I got an executive position, but then I had to hire PM's & Supers, and I realized - these CM program grads were the best. Everyone (9/10) in a management role was born in the 1950-60's, and rose up from starting in the field. So it can be done! College: Design, Construction and Planning School: M.E. Benifits to learning Spanish? That's encouraging to know that it isn't much more difficult than other degrees. Do you want to give “birth” to the idea or do you want to be the one who manages bringing said idea to life. No homework help. I agree with these opinions to a certain level. At least 2/3 of the units applied to the degree must be at the 500-level or above. if that works then maybe you don't need to finish your bachelors. Simple advice: Also, I'm married with 1 toddler and one on the way. [–]EddyJ87 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children). To build something you need all 3 professions. [–]charlie7613 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago (2 children). I work for a major GC. This can all be acquired but it takes years and years and the CM program was worth the acceleration. It's way less time consuming than one of the other engineering majors.. The Certificate in Construction Management is guided by the Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC), a body created in 1991 to maintain an active and continuing relationship with the industry. Take any job you can get that gets you on site. Keep this in mind, the bottom line is that your value in the industry is largely based on your resume. For those of you that have degrees in Construction Management, I have a few questions. Instead, I bid exactly what the IFB provides, and if there are issues when it is time to install we then go through the change order process. The associate’s degree is typically earned in two years and provides a general foundation for a student’s education. ABET accreditation is a requirement for engineering majors that want to sit on the Fundamentals of Engineering exam which is also a requirement for engineers to get their PE license. Why not stay in your family business and grow it into something big? I had a job making $70k/yr right out of the gate in the worst construction period in over twenty years. .No fun! Stringent being, year round courses with lots of lab time, capstone requirements, heavy work loads. Note - it's a long road to becoming either. construction business is booming. Think twice... 15000 for 4 years is a great price. A place for professionals to discuss the construction industry. If you move to an area where you have no professional connections. For those of you that have degrees in Construction Management, I have a few questions. To put it bluntly. Furthermore, in many undergraduate courses, students can just show up, listen to lectures, take notes, submit papers, and take quizzes and exams. No market research. It also may be faster and less expensive to just finish your business degree because you may have to take more or different prerequisites for a cm degree. I honestly can say that I didn't learn more than 10% of what i know now from school. Also - I am not wrongly assuming all programs have internships. A degree in construction management can be an effective tool for both novices and experienced professionals looking to increase their understanding of the field. Comment deleted by user 5 years ago 1 child. it just gets you past the Human Resources filter. Engineering is a 4 yr degree. I don't know. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Construction community. If that makes any sense. Rendered by PID 2733 on r2-app-093ce32aee4dcbfe0 at 2020-12-13 13:03:16.527609+00:00 running 85e58d4 country code: SG. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. I'm in california too. I believe a reasonably intelligent person with 6 months of full time on the job training can do everything a fresh CM graduate can. I found that that the major related classes are fairly easy but obviously any school is time consuming as you have to spend time studying and doing homework. Pretty much everyone I know in the program has had the same experience. Was a civil engineer, switched to CM because of interest in more real world applicability and am way better off than I would have been in my opinion. 2.) If you're in a city with a good economy or are willing to move you shouldn't have trouble finding a job, but then again the construction industry fluctuates a lot. How time consuming/difficult was the undergrad program? If travel is required and they pay for COL and/or you're in a high COL area I could see those numbers, otherwise those numbers seem pretty high to me. what do you mean by "accredited"? You study hard to become an engineer. The Vancouver market is red hot and all the construction companies are screaming for good people so this is the best time in history to be getting your foot in the door. You can always go back to school after a few years but a CM degree isn't needed if ur gonna start as a PC and you already have a civil engineering diploma. NO SPAM. There is a lot to argue here in regards to if the shift from "tradesmen management" to "graduate management" is a good thing. I'm highly skeptical that it takes years of college to learn RFP response/bid proposals. and join one of thousands of communities. I went to Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. That in addition to experience building in the market your project may be in (retail, medical, education, aerospace, civil, etc...). [–]EddyJ87 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago (8 children). Construction management is ideal for someone who has a general interest in building and design. The CM degree is a way to filter out the morons of which there are many in the construction field. Pay will always be good. Working in construction management is a mix of office and field work. I have both and therefore qualify to answer this. I am speaking of my experience only. [–]cmbear 0 points1 point2 points 5 years ago* (7 children). The cost of college is something to consider if you want to get a construction management degree. The lack of formal education would be a reason for some of them to dump your resume. YEP - I didn't have the degree, but had strong CAD and PC skills and got a job in the 90's as a CAD operator / Estimator, but morphed into a Super / PM role and the start of a 20 yr. career in management within a year. then again i'd be skeptical of management working in construction who have never taken a structural analysis course lol. As with all things, though, your experience will be what you make it, so work hard and enjoy it. Degree programs in construction science, including construction management, are offered at Texas A&M University, the University of Oklahoma, and Iowa State University. At least four elective courses totaling at least 16 units are required for this degree. Recent Purdue Graduate. Master's in construction management programs prepare students for careers in construction, engineering, and project management. My experience was very similar to this. It would just be nice to have other options of work if need be, and I'd rather not start over as a laborer somewhere else! I know for a fact that when people are looking at hiring project managers, estimators, or superintendents they see a construction management degree as a huge plus. Finally, you can grasp for a master’s degree. I can't say enough that it was a great decision. I know for a fact that when people are looking at hiring project managers, estimators, or superintendents they see a construction management degree as a huge plus. [–]cmbear 1 point2 points3 points 5 years ago* (3 children). are you talking about ABET accreditation? But there was a new trend, in CM courses at universities... and me and my colleagues wondered - can you really teach what a Super / PM should know in college? How do you guys get hired? But in the end, you will likely earn top dollar. Some certifications are post-graduate specializations and can only be obtained after completing a master’s degree program. I want to go back and complete school and major in CM, but I am wanting to get some insight first! If you already have an associate's in CE I would just get a bachelor's in it. i live about 30 minutes south of Fresno, ever hear about people that have gone through the program at Fresno State? I can completely see how that would be crucial to the learning experience and social networking. no they're both general contractors. Edit: again my point is, in the same time frame. Experience is the biggest factor in construction, but a cm/ civil degree … I have a wide range. imo, a CM degree is almost the same as any other bachelor's degree. The curriculum for a master's degree in construction management can vary widely from program to program according to a student's chosen concentration. Candidates with a graduate degree in construction management qualify for senior positions in the industry, including careers incorporating specialized areas of construction, such as LEED certification and sustainability, and civil engineering. My degree requirements included mandatory internships and other stringent class requirements. It's the same reason multiple guys at my company are taking night classes to earn a degree while working in the office during the day. Construction management (CM) is a professional service that uses specialized, project management techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construction of a project, from its beginning to its end. As new project manager over about 7 mil worth of projects right now with goals to run my own company I feel it was very relevant to what I do. Intelligent person with 6 months of full time on an experience based resume, and rose up from in... 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