[18] Geremia da Montagnone used this translation as a source for his Compedium moralium notabilium (1285) and an anonymous Italian author used it as a source for work entitled Liber de vita et moribus philosophorum (written c. 1317–1320), which reached international popularity in the Late Middle Ages. / Lemm, Vanessa / Heit, Helmut / Zittel, Claus Diogenes Laertius lived probably in the earlier half of the 3rd century CE, his ancestry and birthplace being unknown. Has he gone to sea? 1972 (First published 1925). "How to Kill a Philosopher: The Narrating of Ancient Greek Philosophers' Deaths in Relation to the Living. Diogenes Laertius is not Nietzsches dim-witted watchman of the history of Greek philosophy, but a fascinating and underrated figure. "Diogenes Laertius and the Transmission of Greek Philosophy." ↑ Fr. Laërtius must have lived after Sextus Empiricus (c. 200), whom he mentions, and before Stephanus of Byzantium and Sopater of Apamea (c. 500), who quote him. This text was converted to electronic form by Data Entry and has been proofread to a low level of accuracy. Since Heinrich Niehues-Pröbsting’s groundbreaking work in the late 1970s, there have been many analyses of how Cynicism helped to shape Nietzsche’s style, his commitment to combatting pessimism and opening up avenues for ‘gaiety’, and (perhaps most extensively) his presentation of philosophy as a kind of affronting outspokenness, underwritten in part by the philosopher’s situation as exile (in Diogenes’ case, a political exile from his native Sinope; in Nietzsche’s, a more elective exile from the institutions of academia). This is a wonderful edition, brilliantly translated, with a helpful introduction and accompanying set of essays by first-rate scholars. ‘Aren’t we straying as though through an infinite nothing?’ asks the crazy man; ‘Isn’t empty space breathing at us? The charge of ‘murder’ (in which he includes himself) silences the mockery, but it is far from clear what response beyond silence could be satisfactory at this point. He was born in Sinope, an Ionian colony on the Black Sea coast of modern day Turkey, in 412 or 404 BC and died at Corinth in 323 BC. Friedrich Nietzsche (the philosopher), who published a pioneering study of Diogenes Laertius early in his short, brilliant, career as a classical philologist, suggested calling them "Pre-Platonic," since their works, along with the words of Socrates, survive only in quotations, whereas Plato was the first to leave a substantial body of surviving work. When Human, All Too Human observes that the search for man requires a lantern, then asks: ‘Will it have to be the Cynic’s lantern?’, the answer is implicit but clear. Poor Diogenes Laertius. Vol. The ‘reductive spirit’ is an error (Bernard Williams puts the point succinctly in his introduction to The Gay Science) but, under controlled circumstances, it is one that can help shift entrenched perspectives. Enlightenment skepticism has been around a long time. The Socratic school, with its various branches, is classed with the Ionic, while the Eleatics and Pyrrhonists are treated under the Italic. Harvard University Press. "Diogenes Laertius, Life of Arcesilaus." He passionately defends Epicurus[15] in Book 10, which is of high quality and contains three long letters attributed to Epicurus explaining Epicurean doctrines. [18] Both modern critical editions of his book, by H. S. Long (1964) and by M. Marcovich (1999) have received extensive criticism from scholars.[18]. Nietzsche Studien no. 3rd c. ad)Greek biographer. Barnes, Jonathan. R.D. "[22] Robert M. Strozier offers a somewhat more positive assessment of Diogenes Laertius's reliability, noting that many other ancient writers attempt to reinterpret and expand on the philosophical teachings they describe, something which Diogenes Laërtius rarely does. [3], The precise form of his name is uncertain. An English Translation of Diogenes Laertius's Lives of the Philosophers [This is a successful 2008 NEH Summer Stipend proposal, authored by Professor John Palmer, Department of Philosophy, University of Florida. WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help. ― Diogenes Laertius, The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers. There emerges a compelling account of the importance of Diogenes in the development of the influential method of Quellenforschung. The German articles were signed at the end either as ‘Friedrich Nietzsche.’ or ‘F . Diogenes divides his subjects into two "schools" which he describes as the Ionian/Ionic and the Italian/Italic; the division is somewhat dubious and appears to be drawn from the lost doxography of Sotion. Nietzsche and Diogenes laertius. Diogenes and his ilk understood ‘self-overcoming’ as an ascetic practice of toughness in the face of deprivation, but had no concept of transformative ‘self-overcoming’ and none of the finer apprehension of art that distinguishes a ‘noble’ spirit. by Diogenes Laertius Diogenes Laertius, Translated by Pamela Mensch, and Edited by James Miller. Diogenes Laertius was a Greek writer who probably lived in the first half of the third century AD. "Diogenes Laertius IX 61–116: The Philosophy of Pyrrhonism." Berlin: W. de Gruyter. This is a wonderful edition, brilliantly translated, with a helpful introduction and accompanying set of essays by first-rate scholars. Tapping into the radicalism of the ancient example, Nietzsche echoes its original cynicism – the sorry absence of anyone capable of living in the knowledge of what it means to be human – and gives it updated point. Nothing is known about his life, apart from his authorship of the Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. And for this reason, Berry consults Democritus, the "laughing philosopher", and refers to his treatise Peri Euthumiēs (On Cheerfulness) that is mentioned in Diogenes Laertius (IX: 46) and that appears to be closer to Nietzsche's approach (pp. Cambridge. Revealing work has been done on Nietzsche’s early philological studies of the texts of Diogenes Laertius; much has been said too about his attraction to the French moralistes who placed themselves in the Cynic tradition, including François de La Rochefoucauld, Nicolas Chamfort and Jean de La Bruyère. (PDF) Nietzsches Preplatonic Philosophers: Diogenes Laërtius, ‘Personality,’ and the ‘Succession’ of Anaxagoras | Babette Babich - Academia.edu Scholars typically discount Nietzsche's value for contemporary studies of Greek antiquity and this is done from both the perspective of Classics as of Ancient Philosophy. Nietzsche worked closely on Aeschylus texts, wrote an essay on Diogenes Laertius, and many other articles and reviews which make up the Philologica. 1986. [19], Nonetheless, modern scholars treat Diogenes's testimonia with caution, especially when he fails to cite his sources. by Diogenes Laertius, translated by Pamela Mensch, edited by James Miller. [18] Nonetheless, he admitted that Diogenes Laërtius's compilation was an important one given the information that it contained. More generally, when visiting the Aeon site you should refer to our site Privacy Policy here. Another suggestion is that one of his ancestors had for a patron a member of the Roman family of the Laërtii. Striking though the revival of the Cynic figure is, what might impress a reader with equal force is how stylistically unlike the original scene Nietzsche’s version of it is. 30,00 € / $42.00 / £23.00. Edited by Wolfgang Haase, 4241–4301. A new Diogenes declares the death of God, the collapse of the belief system that underpinned Judaeo-Christian morality and provided the culture’s sources of valuation for hundreds of years. Nothing is known about his life, but his surviving Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers is a principal source for the history of Greek philosophy. The first complete English translation in nearly a century ; Includes essays by leading experts inlcuding James Romm, Anthony Grafton, Ingrid Rowland, and others ; Lavishly illustrated with full color reproductions of artworks Hegel thought that how a philosopher lived was… Isn’t night and more night coming again and again? 1992. In one of his most famous passages, Nietzsche re-cast the terse and acerbic Diogenes as a histrionic madman, running into the town square to proclaim the death of God. He must have lived after Sextus Empiricus (c. A.D. 200), whom he mentions, and before Stephanus of Byzantium (c. The original Cynics’ radical reduction of their requirements for a good life made happiness possible, but only by embracing life like an animal (a dog, or kunos). This is a wonderful edition, brilliantly translated, with a helpful introduction and accompanying set of essays by first-rate scholars. In his lyric moods he wrote “perhaps the worst verses ever published,” an … These are classic Cynic manoeuvres: what looks like virtue is ‘devalued’, its conventional value ‘adulterated’. The modern form "Diogenes Laertius" is much rarer, used by Stephanus of Byzantium, and in a lemma to the Greek Anthology. Vol. With thought-provoking asperity, Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche remarked: ‘There is no doubt … that my brother tried a little bit to imitate Diogenes in the tub: he wanted to find out how little a philosopher could get by with.’ Echoing lines from Nietzsche’s Human, All Too Human (1878-9), it is a statement to keep in view, since his handling of Cynicism was, in many respects, far from the kind of minimalism it seems to point to. Edited by Jason König and Tim Whitmars, 133–149. This is a wonderful edition, brilliantly translated, with a helpful introduction and accompanying set of essays by first-rate scholars. The origin of the name "Laertius" is also uncertain. Aping the voice of outraged conventionality (‘O pudenda origo!’ – the Latin adds an edge to pastiche), Daybreak asks for critical wariness at just the point where a conventional reader might be predisposed to take the story of origin semi-literally. (41) The study of the life, activities, and sayings of a philosopher was in fact regarded as an This page was last edited on 15 November 2020, at 23:07. 1986. It is a unique text in the history of philosophy and here I hope to open discussion about several ambiguities and problems which Diogenes Laertius presents. Grau, Sergi. The text is accompanied by a full critical apparatus on three levels. late antique biographer of classical Greek philosophers, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Works by Diogenes Laertius at Perseus Digital Library. In Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt: Geschichte und Kultur Roms im Spiegel der neueren Forschung. We will not disclose your personal information except: (1) as described by this Privacy Policy (2) after obtaining your permission for a specific use or disclosure or (3) if we are required to do so by a valid legal process or government request (such as a court order, a search warrant, a subpoena, a civil discovery request, or a statutory requirement). By his own account, the new Diogenes has come too soon, or too abruptly. However, unlike many other ancient secondary sources, Diogenes Laërtius generally reports philosophical teachings without attempting to reinterpret or expand on them, which means his accounts are often closer to the primary sources. It is by no means certain that he adhered to any school, and he is usually more attentive to biographical details. Buy Lives of the Eminent Philosophers: by Diogenes Laertius by Mensch, Pamela, Miller, James online on Amazon.ae at best prices. Hardcover, 720 pages, $45. ↑ If these words are pressed, they contradict the precise statement in Plutarch's Life of Solon (c. 10) that the Athenians buried their … Later in The Gay Science, Nietzsche clarifies what is at issue. The main difficulty of interpretation here attaches to the metaphoric scope of ‘debasement’. The questions thrown back at him as he makes his erratic progress – ‘Has he been lost?’, ‘Did he lose his way like a child?’, ‘Is he hiding?’, ‘Is he afraid of us? Diogenes Laertius, native of Laerte in Cilicia, was a biographer of ancient Greek philosophers. Some features of the classical text remain. Cynicism, he warns, is a kind of clowning, ‘the only form in which base souls approach what is called honesty’. MARCELLO GIGANTE (1994). For Friedrich Nietzsche – steeped in the Classics – the Cynics, and the much later account of them in the gossipy collection of anecdotes The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius (no relation to Diogenes of Sinope), were attractive material long before he parted company with an academic career to practise a more abrasive public philosophy of his own. Export citation. Where Diogenes Laertius was concisely anecdotal and minimally interpretative, Nietzsche is – within the flexible parameters of the aphoristic form – expansive, even garrulous, and, if not psychologically intimate, certainly interested in staging a public psychological drama from his philosophical materials. We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Ed. Citation Information. ‘Deeds need time, even after they are done, in order to be seen and heard’ – a reflection that sounds like pessimism about the power of the philosopher on the tolle Mensch’s part, even if it is not as finally so on Nietzsche’s. He also wrote poems, most of them now lost. Berlin: W. de Gruyter. Dīogénēs Lāértios; fl. ‘What really are our reactions to the behaviour of someone in our presence?’, Daybreak asks: In a much-quoted closing flourish that is often made into a kind of epigraph for the entire genealogical project, Daybreak pronounces: ‘O pudenda origo!’ (‘Oh shameful origin!’) of morality. Nietzsche’s philosophy looks to a future that will be free, ‘gay’, ‘momentous’, as far as possible self-determining and nondialectical; it resists and resents the poisoning, ‘nausea’-inducing hold of past ways of thinking. DIOGENES LAËRTIUS (or Laërtius Diogenes), the biographer of the Greek philosophers, is supposed by some to have received his surname from the town of Laërte in Cilicia, and by others from the Roman family of the Laërtii.Of the circumstances of his life we know nothing. He also frequently focuses on trivial or insignificant details of his subjects' lives while ignoring important details of their philosophical teachings and he sometimes fails to distinguish between earlier and later teachings of specific philosophical schools. He gets no respect. Always on the margins of mainstream or accepted thinking about morality, it exhibits a conscious detachment, or (maybe) alienation, from the common goals, projects, aspirations of others, pursuing a quasi-vocational (in the psychological view, a temperamental) calling to expose the illusions and self-delusions sustaining, or helping to sustain, those commitments. 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