Once a country's economy recovers, its government should increase taxes and reduce spending to pay off the expansion. Check all that apply. Lags. Answer is A. principles-of-economics; 0 Answers. COMPLETED Questions associated with week 6 Econ150 summer 2018.docx. Which of the following actions of commercial banks reduce the money supply? Question 7: Which of the following are lags that fiscal policy makers must cope with? It takes some time for policy makers to realize that a recessionary or an inflationary gap exists—the recognition lag.Recognition lags stem largely from the difficulty of collecting economic data in a timely and accurate fashion. © BrainMass Inc. brainmass.com October 1, 2020, 5:46 pm ad1c9bdddf, Comparing Monetary Policy to a Fiscal Policy, Time Lags of Monetary and Fiscal Policies, macroeconomics questions for monetary policy, Monetary Policy: Money, Credit, the Federal Reserve. The lags associated with fiscal policy can A. magnify economic fluctuations. Fiscal policy tries to nudge the economy in different ways through either expansionary or contractionary policy, which try to either increase economic growth through taxes and spending or … The use of government revenues and expenditures to influence macroeconomic variables developed as a result of the Great Depression, when the previous laissez-faire approach to economic management became unpopular. This explains the concept of Lags in the Monetary and Fiscal Policy and ways to tackle the lags. In this lesson summary review and remind yourself of the key terms, calculations, and graphs related to fiscal policy. Topics include how taxes and spending can be used to close an output gap, how to model the effect of a change in taxes or spending using the AD-AS model, and how to calculate the amount of spending or tax change needed to close an output gap. The Lags are: 1. Contractionary Fiscal Policy . Question: Which Of The Following Statements About Time Lags And Fiscal Policy Is The Most Accurate? retribution lags recognition lags implementation lags impact lags Get more help from Chegg Get 1:1 help now from expert Economics tutors Which of the following illustrates the information lag? In addition to the spending multiplier, other types of fiscal multipliers can also be calculated, like multipliers that describe the effects of changing taxes. Fiscal Policy is often not very timely because of the long lags involved. The second type of fiscal policy is contractionary fiscal policy, which is rarely used. Fiscal policy can have a multiplier effect on the economy. interest? The combination and interaction of government expenditures and … Politicians will use fiscal policy to cause output, real incomes, and employment to be rising prior to elections. Its tools include interest rates and the supply of money. Which of the following statements is correct? In theory, fiscal policy can be used to prevent inflation and avoid recession. This explains the concept of Lags in the Monetary and Fiscal Policy and ways to tackle the lags. Label each of the following examples of fiscal policy lags: Legislative lag, Recognition lag, Implementation lag_____In December 2008, the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research determined that the U.S. economy had been in recession since the fourth quarter of 2007 (when economic activity peaked)._____President George W. Bush released his tax relief … b. Explain how the output gap and the inflation gap in the Taylor Rule are calculated. Personal income taxes 2. It takes time to recognize that a problem exists in the economy. D) the shortest of the three fiscal policy lags. d. Fiscal policy does not have time lags $2.19. Monetary policy functions as a set of instructions implemented by the Federal Reserve Bank. Given the existence of time lags, there is potential danger in using fiscal policy. A. recognition lags B. implementation lags C. impact lags D. Both A and B E. Both B and C F. Both A and C Despite good intentions, various timing lags will cause fiscal policy to reinforce the business cycle. C) recognition lags and impact lags. 8. 3. Just like the name suggests, monetary policy lags are the time lapses that may occur in between the onset of an undesirable economic condition and the actual action by government to address it as well as the time it takes for the actions taken by either the government or the central bank to take hold. Discount rate, interest on reserves, open-market, When aggregate demand is excessive relative to the economy’s full employment level. b) Fiscal policy requires a short and contentious legislative process. c. Fiscal policy has a shorter legislative than monetary policy. Expansionary monetary policy can be carried out through open market operations, which can be done fairly quickly, since the Federal Reserve’s Open Market Committee meets six times a year. This preview shows page 6 - 8 out of 10 pages. Fiscal policy's longest lag is the recognition lag. The federal government should balance its budget each year, regardless of the state of the economy. a. the recessionary lag b. the data lag c. the legislative lag d. the transmission lag . Receipts come from 4 sources; 1 being the largest. In economics and political science, fiscal policy is the use of government revenue collection (taxes or tax cuts) and expenditure (spending) to influence a country's economy. D) interest rate lags. Answers (1) Jenee 15 October, 20:46. Fiscal policy is a policy adopted by the government of a country required in order to control the finances and revenue of that country which includes various taxes on goods, services and person i.e., revenue collection, which eventually affects spending levels and hence for this fiscal policy is termed as sister policy of monetary policy. Fiscal policy in the form of tax rates and government expenditure influence business cycles and affect greatly on the length and variability of the lag. Fiscal policy must be designed to be performed in two ways-by expanding investment in public and private enterprises and by diverting resources from socially less desirable to more desirable investment channels. Advocated of active stabilization believe that implementation lags for fiscal and monetary policy do not exist. A policy lag is the time between policymaker recognition of an economic problem and results from implemented policy. Monetary policy is under the primary control of the Federal Reserve Board. Explain how policy lags, policy imprecision, time, and politics can complicate or compromise the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy; ... as the following feature demonstrates. The time it takes government to pass a tax reduction bill is called the The economy enters a deep recession on the same day that new quarterly data show positive economic growth. Lags. Search. Fiscal policy refers to the use of government spending and tax policies to influence macroeconomic conditions, including aggregate demand, employment, inflation and economic growth. A) recognition time lags B) action time lags C) effect time lags D) All of these are correct. 1. Policy Implications of Lags in Monetary Policy: The existence of long and variable lags in the effects of monetary changes has led Friedman to conclude that discretionary countercyclical policy aimed at economic stabilisation may be destabilising. Active fiscal policy, on the other hand, can be used by government in response to an ailing economy. The Lag Time Between When A Fiscal Policy Is Needed And When It Is Actually Implemented Is Considerable. C. Fiscal Policy explained . c) Short-term variations in key indicators are common and present randomness in the data. Action Time Lag: This is the time required between recognizing an economic problem and putting policy into effect. Lags and fiscal policy. To extent that people want to hold money as an asset, there is asset demand. The Feds primary influence is on Interest Rates and the money supply 7During a, 3 out of 3 people found this document helpful. Its goal is to slow economic growth and stamp out inflation. A) effect time lags B) recognition time lags C) action time lags D) All of the above are correct. All of these factors contribute to policy lags. While there are many issues with fiscal policy, some stand out above the rest. The Federal Reserve Act sets the goals of monetary policy, which strives to maximize employment levels, stabilize prices and maintain moderate levels of long-term rates of interest. Policy Lags: During the recent times, there is not much argument about the desirability or otherwise of a discretionary fiscal policy. B) nominal interest rates cannot fall below the effective lower bound (somewhat below zero). Which of the following are lags facing fiscal policy? Recognition, decision, and implementation are three subcategories of inside lag. a. Select one: a. Just like the name suggests, monetary policy lags are the time lapses that may occur in between the onset of an undesirable economic condition and the actual action by government to address it as well as the time it takes for the actions taken by either the government or the central bank to take hold. These delays are known as fiscal policy lags. (c) Operational Lag: The time interval between when action is taken and when it has its impact on income and employment is known as … Data lag 2. Previous question Next question Get more help from Chegg . ADVERTISEMENT. B. Fiscal Policy Lags Management of the National Economy In the United States there are only a few avenues available to the government for management of the economy. C) implementation lag. The challenges facing policymakers today include each of the following, except: A) the economy's sustainable growth rate is highly stable. 0 votes. Passive fiscal policy includes laws that remain in effect for extended periods, when the economy is strong and deliberate intervention isn’t considered. The burning question in this context is related with the timing of the fiscal measures. The effectiveness of fiscal policy depends on a wide range of factors, many of which cannot be … B. B. Perhaps the greatest obstacle facing the Fed, or any other central bank, is the problem of lags. D. A stronger dollar has lowered US exports. Which of the following lags associated with fiscal policy was particularly long with regard to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009? Information lag and impact or effectiveness lag 7. D) both recognition and implementation lags. Which of the following is true regarding fiscal policy and time lags? C) the time it takes for a fiscal policy change to influence the economy. 0. Such policies are called discretionary fiscal policies. The tools of contractionary fiscal policy are used in reverse. Purchase Solution. asked Jul 4, 2016 in Economics by Aurora. A) The economy is predicted to increase at 0.1% in July,but the numbers are revised in August to reflect an actual 2% decrease. During a recession, with a negative GDP gap and substantial unemployment, the Fed. Fiscal policy is when our government uses its spending and taxing powers to have an impact on the economy. In the first part of this course, you will learn the key concepts of fiscal policy. The Fed has increased its reserve requirement. Implementation lag is the delay between an adverse macroeconomic event and the implementation of a fiscal or monetary policy response by the government and central bank. Select one: a. Fiscal policy can have a long legislative lag whereas monetary policy has no legislative lag. The Federal Reserve Bank uses monetary policy to control and moderate the volume of money, as well as credit and interest rates. asked Jul 4, 2016 in Economics by Aurora. Lags. Which of the following lags associated with fiscal policy is expected to be alleviated by automatic stabilizers such as unemployment benefits? Which of the following of the Fed’s instruments of monetary control is most important? Which of the following scenarios is an example of a transmission lag? Add to Cart Remove from Cart. Which of the following are lags facing fiscal policy? Fiscal policy is a general term used in macroeconomics to describe government spending and taxation that is used deliberately to exert influence on the economy. A. A. a. b. Finally, it takes time to determine whether intended results in the economy were realized. Which of the following statements illustrates fiscal policy ? B. stimulate output beyond full employment. The economy enters a deep recession and Congress passes spending on public works that will take years to plan for and build. Lowering checkable deposits, and increasing required reserves. Recognition lag 3. What are the Timing lags in fiscal policy? Which of the following lags associated with fiscal policy are expected to be alleviated by automatic stabilizers such as unemployment benefits? Consumers may become accustomed to lower tax rates and higher government spending and vote against changing either. It takes further time to negotiate a solution and implement a new policy. A. recognition lags B. implementation lags C. impact lags D. Both A and B E. Both B and C F. Both A and C should institute what type of monetary policy? A) recognition lags. A policy lag is the time between policymaker recognition of an economic problem and results from implemented policy. It takes some time for policy makers to realize that a recessionary or an inflationary gap exists—the recognition lag.Recognition lags stem largely from the difficulty of collecting economic data in a timely and accurate fashion. B) the time it takes policymakers to recognize a problem. c. d. Fiscal policy does not have time lags Which of the following are tools of monetary control that teh Fed can use to alter the reserves of comercial banks? Discretionary fiscal policy is subject to the same lags that we discussed for monetary policy. ADVERTISEMENT. It is easy enough to show a recessionary gap on a graph and then to show how monetary policy can shift aggregate demand and close the gap. So, in essence the government will be 6 months behind the curve, when it comes to trying to jump-start the economy c. Fiscal policy has a shorter legislative than monetary policy. Which the following issues do most macroeconomists widely agree upon? There are several time lags involved when fiscal policy is applied. C) stock and property values are subject to booms and busts. A) recognition lag. Evaluation / Criticism of Fiscal Policy. Imagine that the data becomes fairly clear that an economy is in or near a recession. Due to the nature of the political process, the time lapse between when a need is recognized and when the impact of the appropriate fiscal policy is felt may be considerable. C. Fiscal policy will result in alternating budget deficits and surpluses. Expansionary monetary policy will lower the interest rate to bolster, borrowing and spending, which will increase aggregate demand and expand real, If the economy faces recession and unemployment, the Fed will initiate. 2. These lags can … The implementation lag is: A) usually less than 12 months. Interest rate, Which of the following are combined to determine the equilibrium rate of. 13. For example, if a $100 increase in government spending causes the GDP to increase by $150, then the spending multiplier is 1.5. principles-of-economics; 0 Answers. a) The economy may already be in a recovery before fiscal policy is enacted. Time Lags. The following points highlight the top five types of lags in the Monetary Policy. But, in practice, there are many limitations of using fiscal policy. A. It uses these as vehicles to infl… Consider the following quote: "Over one and a half million people were laid off from jobs following the doubling of oil prices in 1979." It takes time to gather information about the current state of the economy. Which of the following is a critical dilemma when implementing fiscal policy in reference to timing lags? If the Fed increases reserve requirements, commercial banks would see their, What is the nature of the relationship between the interest rate and the. There are three type of lags: 1. Expert Answer . Previous question Next question Get more help from Chegg . Fiscal policy can be difficult to implement for all of the following reasons EXCEPT Congress prefers to leave fiscal policy decisions to the Federal Reserve. Changes In Fiscal Policy That Involves Changes In Government Spending On Public Works Projects Do Not Involve Significant Time Lags. Which of the following is true regarding fiscal policy and time lags? Which of the following actions of commercial banks reduce the money supply? Time lags are an issue for government officials and policymakers because they inhibit the efficacy of economic plans of action and may … Lowering the reserve ratio enhances the ability of banks to create new money. The recognition and administrative lags together determine the inside lag of the fiscal policy and its length, according to Willes, is 4 to 18 months. Inside lag and outside lag are the main categories of fiscal policy lags. A: ANSWER ON PAGE 242, last two paragraphs. One of the biggest issues with time lags is that they render attempts to improve the economy less effective. It takes time to recognize that a problem exists in the economy. This can be difficult to accomplish. expansionary monetary policy also known as easy monetary policy. • Administrative lag • Recognition lag • Operational lag Lending money by banks is made possible through: lowering the reserve ratio which transforms required reserves into excess reserves. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Which one of the following statements best describes the idea of a political business cycle? $2.19. Changes In Federal Taxes Can Be Implemented Easily By The President Without The Approval Of Congress.C. Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and tax policy to influence the path of the economy over time. Expert Answer . These moves should, in theory, stimulate the economy and thus increase aggregate demand. Legislative lag 4. Expansionary. Which of the following are lags that fiscal policy makers must cope with? Fiscal Policy is the use of Government spending and taxation levels to influence the level of economic activity. B) impact lag. C. depress output below full employment. An expansionary fiscal policy financed by debt is designed to be temporary. D) the structure of the economy and financial system continues to evolve. The long-term impact of inflation can damage the standard of living as much as a recession. 1. Demand for money and supply of money. The objective of fiscal policy is to maintain the condition of full employment, economic stability and to stabilize the rate of growth. Data Lag: Prima facie, policy-makers do not know what is going on in the economy exactly when it happens. B) impact lags. Fiscal policy refers to all those methods used by the government to influence the economy through the use of tax rates and government expenditures. b. For example, if the economy experiences a recession, the Fed enforces a new monetary policy decision to cut interest rates, and the government enforces a new fiscal policy to cut taxes, the economy may not see any evidence of real effects for nine to 12 months. B) Current data have been provided to policymakers,but they decide to wait and see what happens in the next quarter. Fiscal policy's longest lag is the recognition lag. Effect Time Lag : It can take time before the changes in policy actually have an effect on the economy. If monetary and fiscal policy have fairly long lag times, how can they be effective ways to neutralize the economy? Question: Which Of The Following Is True About Time Lags And Fiscal Policy?A.Once An Appropriate Fiscal Policy Has Been Determined It Can Be Implemented Quickly.B. Which of the following are lags facing fiscal policy? Recognition Time Lag: It takes a while before we know when the economy is in a recession and it takes a while before we know we are out of a recession. People oppose to active stabilization believe that active fiscal and monetary policies have no effect on aggregate demand. The discretionary fiscal policy does not always work as intended by the government. Operating lag, Which of the following of the Fed’s instruments of monetary control is most. The existence of lags in designing and implementing fiscal policy helps illustrate some of the limitations of fiscal policy aimed at easing the burdens of a recession. Discretionary fiscal policy is subject to the same lags that we discussed for monetary policy. There are many reasons as to why the fiscal policy may not be as effective as desired, or sometimes even be counterproductive. These opportunities fall under the broad headings of monetary and fiscal policy. Chose one. Which of the following is not an example of a "lag" that diminishes the potential impact of the use of fiscal policy? Open-market operations. -Recognition lag: It takes time to recognize that there is a problem, -Administrative lag: It takes time to decide what to do,-Operational lag: It takes time to implement a decision Monetary policy has become the dominant component of U.S. national, The Federal Reserve focuses monetary policy on the interest rate that it can, An expansionary monetary policy that results in a rightward shift in the, supply curve for money will cause the following sequence of events: 1. Discretionary fiscal policy can be counterproductive because of policy lags. A) effect time lags B) recognition time lags C) action time lags D) All of the above are correct. The Fed’s primary influence is on: Interest Rates and the money supply. It takes further time to negotiate a solution and implement a new policy. Monetary policy probably has shorter time lags than fiscal policy. overnight loans made from temporary excess reserves. Effectiveness lag. Which of the following are lags in monetary policy? Which of the following outcomes could occur because of the existence of such time lags? 12. Comparing Monetary Policy to a Fiscal Policy Time Lags of Monetary and Fiscal Policies GDP: Fiscal and Monetary Policy monetary and fiscal policies macroeconomics questions for monetary policy Monetary Policy: Money, Credit, the Federal Reserve U.S. Federal monetary policy Discretionary fiscal policy Monetary Policy of India Which of the following are tools of monetary control that the Fed can use to alter, reserves of commercial banks? of real output, the Fed will institute restrictive monetary policy. Label each of the following examples of fiscal policy lags: Legislative lag, Recognition lag, Implementation lag_____In December 2008, the Business Cycle Dating Committee of the National Bureau of Economic Research determined that the U.S. economy had been in recession since the fourth quarter of 2007 (when economic activity peaked)._____President George W. Bush released his tax relief … All of these factors contribute to policy lags. As you can tell from the notes above, the budget process can be long and complicated and politicians rarely ever agree on the right thing to do Transmission lag 5. First, the need for government intervention in the economy must be determined. Impact is a term used to describe outside policy lags. Operating lag, Administrative lag, and recognition lag. Which of the following is the biggest problem facing the use of fiscal policy in response to shocks? This content was COPIED from BrainMass.com - View the original, and get the already-completed solution here! The first hurdle faced by a government is. Monetary Policy Lag # 1. The federal funds rate is the rate of interest that banks charge one another on. C. A rise in the expected future profits has increased US investments. Which of the following statements is true about fiscal policy lags AAutomatic from MACROECONO 220:103 at Rutgers University Fiscal policy can have a long legislative lag whereas monetary policy has no legislative lag. Suppose the government recognizes the economy is going into recession and begins the process to reduce tax rates. The US government has proposed a hike in the corporate tax rate. How the Solution Library Works. Which of the following lags associated with fiscal policy are expected to be alleviated by automatic stabilizers such as unemployment benefits? Add Solution to Cart Remove from Cart. Which of the following are lags that fiscal policy makers must cope with? For example, a government may decide to reduce taxes. The policy-making lag for fiscal policy is longer than monetary policy. 0 votes. That will take years to plan for and build following of the following which of the following are lags facing fiscal policy! 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