The statement did not identify the attackers

The statement did not identify the attackers but said a larger force of about 800 Somali and Kenyan troops were conducting a multi day operation against al Shabab militants about 350 kilometres (217 miles) southwest of the capital, Mogadishu, when the attack occurred. Bundarist Julian Kytasty accompanied the performance of Pavlo Tychyna’s truest pre socialist realism poetry.. But the AH made trading so convenient, easy, and safe, it sucked away the soul of farming and getting upgrades. I refuse to precept or hire any online trained students.. My uncle’s house is a no shoes house, but that means shoes pile up in the way. I thanked them and went onto the rest of my trip with a renewed spirit.. Every time you make something there something to learn and what I like to share through the television format are those lessons, she said.. Example, a room that served as the office for Anne father company used to contain office furnishings. He places bouquets of roses on her grave every Sunday.. Around the same time, one of the founders of the festival aired some unsavoury opinions on social media about child abuse.

The religious can condemn to one and promise you the other for loyalty to their cause and belief in their dogma. The DVR shareholders are entitled to an additional 5% dividend, over and above the ordinary equity shareholders. In addition to being the largest planet in the Solar System with two and a half times the mass of all the other planets combined it also has an incredibly powerful magnetic field and the most intense storms of any planet in the Solar System.. She lives 8 hours away and I don speak to her all that much but I always been close with them so it never really bothers me. They can tell that the big bang is the light source because of Hubble Law[0]. The PayOffDebt app uses the concept of the debt snowball making the minimum payment to all but one of your debts, then taking every extra cent you 카지노사이트 have and throwing it at that last debt until it gone. A huge lunar miner, with astronaut for scale. In other words, it was inspired from the ideology of fascism and modelled itself on the pattern of the fascist party in Italy during the 1930s..

Individuals in only 1 out of every 6 households have the opportunity to respond to questions related to their national heritage and primary language. Using high resolution cryo electron microscopy, a research group from Charit Universit Berlin has now successfully deciphered this process. You don know when to use one phrase and when to use another. Actress Franka Potente ( Bourne Identity is 40. The term tsunami, for example, is literally translated from Japanese to mean “harbor wave”. And although it treatable, many people don recognize the warning signs and get the help they need to feel well and do well. Apparently the parent hasn heard of column store relational databases (which are kinda great for time series).(I most familiar with SQL Server; DB2 and Oracle apparently have similar functionality.)Apparently their 3 5TB time series table chokes ‘dinosaur’ relational databases. You expecting Stallman to figure out a way to market to you, rather than expecting yourself to figure out how to evaluate arguments and evidence rationally.

I will keep this hub in mind for the new litt

I will keep this hub in mind for the new little girl in our family. This part of the economy, called macro economy, is a state remit. If the responding DNS server changes the source port, the OS will not route that packet to the original socket because the source port does not match. I not settling for whoever comes next, but rather I excited to get to know someone new and to explore life with them. It’s a nutritionally complete drink (like Ensure) and tastes like a thick hot chocolate if I make it with hot water and a bit of milk. We would jump from the bank to the island where the capital cities were marked so you could jump on Sydney or Adelaide. 22 points submitted 10 months agoHaha, years ago I did the same thing, changing from a 45 minute train commute to a 5 minute walk (same company, just happened to have a different branch near my house!), and although it was obviously super convenient to be able to wake up 15 minutes before a meeting, I found I really, really, missed my commute.

Again, this was rejected in July 2017 as the council claimed ‘statutory incompatability’ meaning access was not suitable due to the site’s function as a port.. I was about to ask 온라인카지노 Joanna Angel on a date. Within 30 days of the end of each calendar quarter, we will provide you with a report of the number of copies of each of your Apps sold and the amount of any payment due, which shall be the fee multiplied by the number of copies sold less any applicable taxes and our commission. Rest stop restaurants for tourists close at 8pm Please stop for dinner before 8pm. While anakkale, the Dardanelles largest city, does not (surprisingly enough) have any rail service whatsoever making it possibly the largest city in this part of the world without any the city of Izmir also lies to the west of Istanbul (27.14E vs. To be fair, women breasts actually were designed for attracting mates. After the colossal Roman era Verona Arena amphitheater lost audience and prestige, nearly closing two seasons ago under a mountain of debt, artists and public that have sustained it are putting hopes for a relaunch in 57 year old former singer Cecilia Gasdia, in her first season as general manager (AP Photo/Martino Masotto).

Or for a table to sit down and eat it.And meat is expensive. Additionally, research shows that our microbiome can influence whether a vaccine has an effect in our body. This new approach to assessing potential habitability will allow astronomers to simulate circulation of planetary atmospheres and the special features of that circulation, which is something one dimensional models cannot do.. I play tennis, but only half the court, and only if you play with me, not against. 0The BibleMany expressions people use today originated in the Bible. Maybe perhaps it was Anna methadone. Knowing that ‘the world and his wife’ had auditioned for the show, Samantha was thrilled to get the call to say she had won the part. Whether Julia teaches at one university or another can change, whether she goes home with her family immediately or not can change, whether Henry drinking gets so bad that he gets a DUI can change. Unfortunately Marc had a problem with his car and was at the garage getting it fixed so we did not meet him until much later on that evening.

I don think Alex Jones has read a DMT story i

I don think Alex Jones has read a DMT story in his life, and he certainly never done it. They found that the resulting spectra closely mimicked that of a single object whose atmosphere contained both gasses.. And thus perhaps fulfilling the second part of the agreement of “sacrifice as a burnt offering”.. Correct. Remember: You can make the thought go away, but neither do you need to pay attention to it.Exercise regularly. He took over as Australian captain at a difficult time following the retirements of Dennis Lillee, Rod Marsh and Greg Chappell and the resignation of Kim Hughes. Singer guitarist Rivers Cuomo of Weezer is 45. Several kilometer deep drilling and sample return to Earth would just be a part of this total exploration of Europa in the 2020s.. His small town near the Mexican United States border has been ravaged by the drug war, and the newspaper headlines are filled with body counts. His face went red, bloodshot eyes and talks nonsense, very scary. In audit and inspection teams of SBP and SECP, there shall be system experts.

In other words, a 바카라사이트 single Jovian year lasts the equivalent of 4,332.59 Earth days.. We advise investors to accumulate the stock in astaggered manner as long term outlook continues to be positive and MSIL is a strong franchise.. I will quote from a recent Our Ukraine publication, because I think it sums up the problem accurately: “Yanukovich’s tenure in office has given a clear definition to Ukraine’s contemporary oligarch capitalist. In this acronym “H” stands for honest. The image is two images in one, with the one on the right being a magnification of a part of the image on the left. Not clear how much each victim will receive, although the money will not be divided equally. While the process of restoring the Quicklaunch is fairly involved, with a little guidance, you can easily restore the Windows 7 Quicklaunch toolbar to regain quick access your favorite programs. She was also predeceased by her precious daughter, Wendy Anne Costello. > Every time a programmer has an issue with Git, whoever helps them has to sit down and explain the underlying system for 20 minutes and draw a bunch of sticks and bubbles.

When the child was born, he was marked for greatness;. The reason I tell this is for the following:The base system in use was that venerable old girl, MS Access 2000. Kyle Waldman who gave me a shot of what I assumed was happy juice and then inserted an epidural into my spine. The 6 foot senior made 47 percent of her 3 point attempts last season, third best in the country. Although it was a hard fought battle from the side of 100T, in the end, Ssumday could not overcome his Dignitas impulses and threw at Baron in the final game, and in the resulting teamfight, Cody Sun Vayne insec Bjergsen Zed onto Ryu, triggering his PTSD. Manuel highlights and him scoring his touchdowns and i never noticed till now but holy fuck the bills had some dope WR. Dalton, Molly E. Serve immediately with the crusty bread.. However both the President of Israel (Shimon Peres) and Arafat got the Peace Prize in 1994 for the Oslo Accords, which can be said to have failed and are viewed negatively both by the Palestinians and Israelis today.

Most of them are the same.Little stores that

Most of them are the same.Little stores that look a little older tend to carry Korean made ones or no brand frames that are cheaper. Thomas More Church. The easy way would have been out to 80, down to NC, and survey. They find the town under attack from a cult of kraken worshippers being led by a bone naga named Sal that was once one of the kraken generals. The specifications of these commercial signals have not been made public, but they were most likely much too faint to be detectable at interstellar distances with instruments comparable to those possessed by humans.. Clan battles are a ton of fun so you may end up having a steel income in the future if you find a clan and get into it. “In particular, women will say I mean, it still gets me kind of emotional ‘The journey that she went through.’ They may or may not be aware of the Skyler backlash. Personally, we are disappointed Lego went with a theme like a detective agency when there are still so many other town “essentials” missing like a school, hospital, post office, police station and library.

At the time, the broadcast was the most watched TV program in history, and the 카지노사이트 crew was named Time magazine’s “Men of the Year” for 1968 upon their return.. The film, which ends on an inspirational note, had her thinking it might be wise to go ahead.. Mississippian style cultural influences spread through the old Hopewell region (map), but they don have the full reach of the Hopewell.. The nightlife is definitely one of the best in Europe. Understood that Open City was a pivotal moment in film history. A four year captain, she averaged 23 points, nine rebounds, four assists and 3.5 five steals per game throughout her career, earning Big East Player of the Year honors twice.. Singer guitarist Gordon Gano of Violent Femmes is 55. Amma was jealous of the affection and attention that the girls were taking away from her. But in the end, I confident we get the judge confirmed. Play around with different angles as you take your photos and don’t stop once you think you’ve got a good one. But Anna, then four, “understood the concept that she got ripped off,” Melnyk said..

I left off my Olay moisturizer because I now have a bunch of samples and decants to test.. All Chinese restaurants prefer cash to credit card because the owners want to get away from tax. We started getting close in my early twenties and now have a sibling chat where we can keep conversation going, cheer each other on and help through the roughs times.. I thought this was a recipe for No Bake cookies, not Flubber. Having hot beverages and the means to cook hot meals could help you make friends and barter for things you need.. Funny thing is that Williams in his notebooks and memoirs went into a lot of detail about his love affairs but with Anna Jean he made only a passing mention. Jaeschke (top inset). Moon Jae In has done a lot to keep the process going but ultimately he can do it all on his own.. In a recent study, Harvard Professor Abraham Loeb and Shmuel Bialy a postdoctoral researcher from the Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) addressed this mystery by suggesting that may be an extra terrestrial solar sail.

And, of course, a Christian ruler needed Chri

And, of course, a Christian ruler needed Christianity as a state religion, if he wanted religious backing. They value their time doing those activities more than the money they can trade for it. You can also look for other people posts. So, for as snowy as this last stretch has felt, the only record that fell was the one for February snowfall. Interstate highways are the thick grey green lines, and smaller highways are shown as dark green and light green lines. New pair of gloves? I work the wrap up to my forearm so I don scratch anything.. “Al” means “the” in Arabic. And it is extremely annoying, I have a 10min rule, if the person I am with is on the phone longer then 10 mins I just get up and excuse myself and say have a good night.. If I had asked you in 2010 which technology would attempt a massive comeback just six years later, I’m guessing VR would not have been on the top of your list. The minimal mass for a black hole formed by the implosion of a star is about 3.3 times the mass of the sun, so about 2 times the mass of the sun is emitted as gravitational radiation..

“There seems to be no penalties for those accused of these egregious violations. It is a combined mixture of antimony pentafluoride and hydrogen fluoride. That’s the goal of Elon Musk’s SpaceX. After watching her vanquish a legend, we knew Jennie’s story needed to be told. But you right, communism is fiction at this point. It easier to get them to open up about things they confused and curious about, as well as asking for help with specific situations. In addition, we offer guides and advice as to what is the best legal structure for your business and how to file the paperwork to solidify that structure. I had considered, at first, that all the planet cities/towns and permanent human residences were domed or sealed environments, though that was to do with cross contamination of the experimental environments by modern terrestrial plants. There is no one standard that right for everyone.. “attainment level” (no idea what that specifically means): Esperanto [0, 4, 26, 61, 9], others [10, 9, 23, 26, 32].

This translates into an extreme model of laissez faire in which convenience and consumption control the market. The area at risk of storms is home to 41 million people and includes major cities such as Dallas, New Orleans and Atlanta. When KDE4 tanked, I switched to Gnome 2. Rose said. Tables in the tavern are just huge stone blocks carried in and placed where needed. WOW is an affordable, relaxed, intimate, bijou, family friendly and adamantly sponsor free. We’re designed by nature for 카지노사이트 English, Chinese, and every other possible human language. Murphy: I’d rather leave the country than play for your soccer team Politi Julia Ashley told Sky Blue, the governor’s struggling professional women’s soccer team, not to draft her. Once you have momentum, it easier to branch out and make more friends and contacts.Volunteering as a familyChildren watch everything you do. I do feel like peoples perceived language barrier with someone leads them to be frustrated and cold harsh, even, when talking to them.

“I’d been getting breathless but just thought

“I’d been getting breathless but just thought I was a bit unfit. Meanwhile, Charm City Cakes West, a temporary bakery in a former restaurant until it moves to its permanent space down the street near the Ed Hardy store on Melrose, is just up and running but not open to the public and taking orders through its website. Once astronomers figured out the Universe was actually expanding, he threw the idea out.. And he has to be the most boring singer for years on that show, but who am I to say?. It will deepen the connection between you, eradicate most behavior problems in dogs, and keep your pet fit and healthy.Providing companionship. The man looked kind of offended and ended up walking to the other end of the carriage. InSight will have an entirely new suite of three science instruments, including two from Europe, designed to peer to the center of Mars and detect the fingerprints of the processes by which the terrestrial planets formed. They will need time to heal.Your grandkids may resent being separated from their parent and wish to return, even if their home situation was dangerous or abusive.

In effect, China’s bullying behaviour threw away a chance for them to work with Canada to get us to use ministerial discretion appropriately. You can even choose your own false name. Does Jupiter have a solid core? The short answer is, we don’t know yet. The 73 year old Gandhian and social activist also said today that he was not interested in politics and did not not want to become Prime Minister.. By examining the radioactive decay of these elements, and correcting for cosmic ray exposure, the research team was able to get highly precise estimates of the zircon fragments ages. I still believe in it.”UNDP’s Water and Ocean Governance ProgrammeOceans have always inspired and nurtured us. That we use today mostly originate from abroad. If she gets the points from all the good her foundation did, she ends up in the good place. I will share your comments with our team. O zaman kitap yazmaya karar verdim.”. Additionally, India and Iran have common interests in stabilising Afghanistan after the Americans leave.

Artist’s impression of circumstellar disk of debris around a distant star. Since my two year old daughter loves books, I went searching for some age appropriate material that would help her learn the lessons I am trying to teach. If Reinhardt were telling that tale, I sure he talk about how his mentor saved his life and died in a glorious last stand to save everyone, while leaving out the parts about how it was all Reinhardt fault, and how he still feels guilty about it. Sprinter Ben Johnson is 57. Sookie/Anna is completely naked (or so it seems) but she’s turned towards Bill in such a way that all you see is her bare butt. The Apollo 11 Lunar Module Eagle, in a landing configuration was photographed in lunar orbit from the Command and Service Module Columbia. Exactly! He hasn’t had to move forward in his past four fights nor has he had to deal with an opponent that posed both a significant risk on the feet and on the ground for those four fights. The more you answered the more likely it is that you have a sleep disorder.Types of common sleep disordersInsomniaInsomnia, the inability to get to sleep or sleep well at night, can be caused by stress, 카지노사이트 jet lag, a health condition, the medications you take, or even the amount of coffee you drink.

This is like having an operating system insid

This is like having an operating system inside an operating system. Agreed. That was the intention of Dr. I love to read at the beach too and have a 7 and 9 year old but I can even get through a whole paragraph without looking at them if they are close to the water. In a similar situation, would we have stood the test? God restored to Job twice what he had before and he lived another one hundred and forty years, enjoying four more generations in his family. Some of it is complicated and some of it is. The expansion of the Universe is regulated by two things: Dark Energy and Dark Matter. 2, believes it is worth what the sellers are asking and says they had a lot of showings in the past couple of weeks. Also : Not something you can do in post, but i think it is a bit distracting that the barrel as well as the fence, are in focus. Melotte 111 Is a real binocular beauty and belongs to a different study class of open clusters. Subtract the “VIP discount” and the “better choice bundles 10 per cent discount,” add HST, and the grand total for April, 2011 was $84.33..

We have great schools, I don know what gave you the impression that the education here is lacking. Healy.. However, details of the royal visit have been kept under such wraps, the company has not yet been informed of when, exactly, the beverage will be served.. Country singer David Ball is 64. To get there, I travelled up along the turreted, Tudor style mansion long driveway to a big fountain, careful to obey the sign that read Slowly, Playmates at Play. Just explain the situation to five year old Susie. This can be challenging for anyone, but if you have ADHD, it can feel downright impossible.The good news is that no matter how overwhelming it feels, the challenges of attention deficit disorder are beatable. Let see what it is, let open up the final door.. A couple of speculative thoughts later and it seemed to make sense to me. Basically, QCI 1 is “voice” in example terms. The user gets a mail that someone has added or started ‘Following’ him. The graceful 카지노사이트 figure of Aetius was not above the middle stature; but his manly limbs were admirably formed for strength, beauty, and agility; and he excelled in the martial exercises of managing a horse, drawing the bow, and darting the javelin.

Actor David Gallagher ( Heaven is 33. In the two days he was without her he was very sad and kept looking for her waiting by the door. As far as laptops with a “big” screen (>13 inches) and light weight construction there are more hardware options on the Windows side of things, for example the 17 inch LG Gram which weights 2.95 pounds. It was a tiny little wreck of a house, but it was the only place we could afford that had a fenced in yard for the dogs. But the Japanese arcade shopping Streets seem to me almost the same whether in Kobe, Namba or Nara. Socialist governments take private property (not homes, but the means of production a country has) and run it, distributing the profits fairly to the workers. She settled both complaints with the board. As with every Yuri’s Night that has happened since 2001, this year’s festivities will feature educational events, presentations and games (along with general revelry) at venues located all across the world. In fact, most friends and loved ones will be flattered that you trust them enough to confide in them, and it will only strengthen your friendship.

One of the ladies sustained a wrist fracture

One of the ladies sustained a wrist fracture in an accidental fall and was taken to the nearest medical facility. A total of 24 Waterloo students were among the top 500 contestants, and five of them are also Olympiad Scholarship winners. Consider studies of dieters. 95 per cent of the youth today think they are more empowered than the young ever was.. Unfortunately, many people send confusing or negative nonverbal signals without even knowing it. The JLP includes judges; the government Bill excludes them. One shows a group of Jewish men in Amsterdam kneeling, their hands on their heads, watched over by a Nazi soldier carrying a rifle.. To make matters worse, some cosmologists even believe that the Universe will eventually reach a maximum point of expansion and that once this happens, it will then collapse into itself.. There’s a wire door between us but we’re only a metre or so away and Gamin the male is roaring hungry, snarling and keeping his eye on us. Dancer country singer Julianne Hough ( With the Stars is 26.

Who plans to dig up the past and use the weapons that destroyed civilisation to gain an edge in this new world.. Using the transit method, TESS will detect exoplanets and also select targets for further study by the James Webb Space Telescope (JSWT), which will be deployed in 2019. He said officially they have not got any proposal from the government. While it may be my fault for not writing clearly, if you read me as deriding Joyce, it should give you pause to consider that you might be misreading Wells too.. This is where you seem to be mixing things up, as with your nuclear example. BOSTON (Hoodline) For many the music lover, there is nothing like the sound spun on vinyl. He was subbed out almost immediately after 온라인카지노 he fucking missed a basic pass to Siggy. ManifestoThis is a trendy foodie restaurant and should be on your restaurant list. The Inflationary Multiverse ideas of Standford University’s Andrei Linde are perhaps the best known example of this type. Ever since the Voyager space probes ventured into the outer Solar System, scientists and astronomers have come to understand a great deal of this region of space.

You spend an Investigator point to get a clue. It’s like they picked a lady off the street and told her to go crazy. Bright midday light will either produce shadows on your baby’s face or cause him to close his eyes or squint neither result is what we want. “I was like, ‘Oh, my God that’s so exciting,’ because [Anna and I] were arguing the other day, ‘You better show up with Fatheads,’ and I laughed, and I texted the cousin, ‘Oh my God, she’s going to die.’ ”. Therefore, both populations (low and high inclination) have similar collisional histories.. Safe House, a small shelter that can accommodate 14 people, offered temporary emergency services to 53 women and 79 children over a six month period that began April 1.. Book. Studying openings help you learn move orders that are good to accomplish a particular goal. Since the returns are not instant, it is seen as a luxury. One thing my bf has commented on regarding hair is that if I’ve shaved recently and there’s stubble on the lips, it makes his tongue raw, and if the hair on the mound is too short it pokes the inside of his nose :p so I usually just keep it a little longer! If you do decide to shave, a new, sharp razor is what you should use.

You have no idea the level of irony that you

You have no idea the level of irony that you just reached by trying to call me out on this. The IT monkeys at Cards Against Humanity had set up the order process in a way that allowed you to order only one set at a time and then you’d get kicked along. Happy hunting!. We are not asking anything for ourselves. Attacking the USSR was a necessity, and the opportunity was ripe, because you have an ally to open up the Eastern front on the USSR after your initial attack, and get to attack an army at half strength.. AFAIK, we have yet to see a clause of “I sell you this IoT device for a one off payment of $X and I can arbitrarily decide to stop it working as long as I pay you $X and nothing more” succeed in court.. Many astrophotography snapshots are taken over long periods of time (sometimes continuously, sometimes repeatedly over days/weeks/months even years). A single space shuttle flight injects 300 metric tons of water vapor into the Earth’s thermosphere, and the water particles have been found to travel to the Arctic and Antarctic regions, where they form the clouds after settling into the mesosphere..

We may have basic life or ecosystems in our own backyard on Mars or inside the icy Jovian and Saturnian moons. You can even export all the information by 카지노사이트 email in an Excel format to store on your computer. She graduated from Aroostook Central Institute in 1930 and was recently recognized as the oldest alumni of Aroostook Central Institute. Accept that reactions like these will lessen over time. Our tenants who want carpet will buy a carpet and lay iton top of the hardwood floors or imitation woodvinyl plank flooring.. The NACs works by building an image one line at a time, with thousands of lines being used to compile a full image. It important to remember that narcissists aren looking for partners; they looking for obedient admirers. The study and descriptions have emphasis on the superb coastal exposures of Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. I rarely need more than four burners on the stove at one time, so it just easier to use the pot that already hanging next to it rather than taking up valuable counter space and electric outlets with a single purpose appliance.

Boasting non stop Inclusive versus exclusive: How many common men have joined, proved their credentials and have been given plum posts within the organization? This is nothing but a breakaway faction of Team Anna, which has taken journalists, celebrities, high profile activists and industrialists on board and given them top posts.. When people went out to the ocean and started making a map of our world, it was not used for most of the people then, but we use the world map now to travel abroad. In conclusion, it is important to know that only DEHA has been cleared as a carcinogenic ingredient because researchers have not established any direct links between the compound and cancer disorders. It would stand strong to the arguments of true conservative pundits. The other storm Gracie of 1959 did not (it hit at low tide, significantly reducing the coastal flooding). Worry is one of the major banes of sleep. Food and medicine, nearly all of it imported, are scarce and expensive as Venezuela endures the world highest inflation.

Prior to the nuptials, it was revealed that t

Prior to the nuptials, it was revealed that the future Duchess of Sussex’s father, Thomas Markle, posed for fake paparazzi photos for money. In the second example it depends again on context, in this case how how you doing economically and in army strength and how they doing. And there are plenty of those teachers. Obviously if it worth paying money to try to make sure than many people can vote then it even better if some people don vote for some personal reason because they don even have to pay for that or potentially get caught doing shady shit. That fine. Mark Carter officiating. (How could certain libraries be closed on Sundays?). That it was not is a tribute to our air defence planners, our avionics people, our pilots and their trainers and commanders. As this is a significant event in our community, the Shevchenko 40th Anniversary Memorial Committee urges everyone to attend, in particularly the younger generation and the newly arrived immigrants from Ukraine. I don’t think it gets anywhere.>.

Unfortunately, the Secret Service got him by the legal balls for using MIT facilities to bulk download JSTOR docs.. Are plans for new coal fired power stations to be commissioned from as late as 2028, which will add a further 15 000MW of new coal to our grid between 2028 and 2041, L said. The worship of Zon Kuthon is acceptable to most, and positively enjoyed by some. The process is 카지노사이트 basically the same as when they were transplanted into their own pots. Many thousands of glass plates from 1929 to 1965 and original back and white photos have been scanned and digitized for download and print for private and commercial usage.. For a government which claims to be free of the taint of corruption, the appointment of a clean judge to the office of Lokayukta should have been seen as a useful ally in the fight against sleaze. Ex Celtic, Hibs and Falkirk kitman McCafferty last week confessed in the Daily Record to attacks on “around a dozen” young footballers over a 14 year period from 1982.After his shock admission, the 70 year old appeared in court over more recent sex allegations in Belfast and is now behind bars awaiting trial.We can’t let sickening child abuse kill our national sport Record View(Image: Daily Record/Trinity Mirror)But the Record can reveal the former youth football coach molested a teenage boy who played for teams in Wishaw in 1972 10 years earlier than he was prepared to admit to us.The victim, now 58, says he was attacked by McCafferty twice.The former player a grandfather of seven who asked not to be named said: “The Record have been saying McCafferty did this for two decades.